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Threats and Decisions

After shooting up a thousand blown up pictures of Coulton, Hound had only been somewhat relaxed. It had taken much more than that to calm him down, even if satisfaction wasn't coming for a little while. Hound was spending time with Mark, who had returned from hanging out with Alexis when his little antics exploded. "WHO THE HELL DID IT?" Mark jumped out of his skin as Coulton's voice filled the rec room. "First I find my computer crashed," Mark chuckled knowingly, turning away from the movie that was playing on TV at that. "I swear to God, when I find out, I'll skin the person alive! Can you skin a robot alive?"

Lennox, who was seated on the couch nearby Mark and Hound, stood up. His eyes scanned over Coulton, who looked to be disheveled, covered in multiple paints and feathers, and angry beyond words. "What happened to you?" Lennox asked, trying to control his obvious stifled laughter. "I would go get Sideswipe for Prime to lecture right now. But he went on a scouting mission after he came back with Mark," He managed. "So I'm going to take a guess and say it wasn't his handywork."

"You want to know what happened," Mark noticed as Coulton began an almost psychotic laugh. "I opened my on-base desk in my private office to a paint bomb. I opened my locker, looking for a towel... And was covered in feathers," Mark covered his mouth, and tried his best not to laugh. "And I just found my private car welded to the CEILING," Lennox shook his head, looking to be holding back his own laughter. "I'm glad you find this funny, colonel."

Lennox quickly controlled himself, and grew more serious. It was hard not to know who had done it. Especially given how Hound was pretending to just focus on the movie he had only been mildly interested in ten minutes ago. "Coulton, I think you need to calm down," Lennox offered, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go and get Optimus to help get your car off the roof. I'm sure he'll handle whoever did this to your car."

Coulton glared, his teeth gritting. "Don't talk to me like I'm a little child colonel," Coulton brushed past Lennox, who rolled his eyes. "I bet it was you, wasn't it Hound? You never did like me," He growled.

"You'll find most of the Autobots don't," Hound snorted quietly, standing to his feet. "The fact you immediately go to me amazes me. Would I really do something so childish?" He questioned as he put his hands on his hips. "Perhaps someone else that was tired of the way you treat people on this base-."

"Oh please, it's your son I piss off most," Mark tensed a little as Coulton glared daggers in his direction. "I'm sorry if I've offended your little feelings so much you had to sick your so-called "daddy" on me." He told the boy mockingly.

Hound wanted to kick the man right there. But he kept himself calm, taking a deep intake of breath. He crossed his arms, and straightened up, his optics leering down at him. "Mark was nowhere near the base until two hours ago. He had no time to plan something so elaborate," Hound told him rather bluntly. "You can throw accusations at me all you want. But do not take this out on him. Primus knows you do that enough already."

Coulton sneered, and pulled the sunglasses he had off of his face. The look in his eyes spoke volumes, he didn't care, this was just another chance he had to belittle them. "You must think you're really clever. Not having even the tiniest metal balls to attack me head on," Coulton told him with a loud shout. "So instead hiding behind pranks and whispers like a coward," He added. "It'd be a real shame if something happened to the boy because of your attitude."

That did it, and Coulton was about to wish that he hadn't said a word. Hound's engines flared up, removing a gun, and getting up close as Lennox came between them. "Did you just threaten my youngling!?" Hound shouted, his voice dangerously loud and angry. "David Coulton, you have no idea how dangerous the ground you're treading on is." He added with the lowest snarl Mark had heard from him. "If anything happens to my son and I find out you had anything to do with it-."

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