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The Return of Optimus Prime

"Hey Hound, I think I can see him!"

Hound eyed Mark slightly, and then back up a the stars. It was early the next morning, and as promised, he had brought Mark along to witness the return of the leader. Many government officials had joined them, as well as the Yeager family and Shane, had joined as well. But his attention wasn't on any of them at the present, his optics had caught sight of the large, burning object that seemed to be headed their way. "Incoming everybody." He stated as he scooped Mark up and put him on his shoulder, backing up himself "This is gonna be one big landing."

And a huge landing it was. For several minutes, as the mech landed on the ground with a loud THUD was dust. Dust everywhere, something that Sideswipe was no doubt going to complain about for several days. Eventually however, he could make out a shadowed figure became present in the distance. Mark tried to shield his eyes to get a better look. "Is it him...?"

"Yeah, that's him." Hound smiled.

When meeting Optimus Prime, most people might have felt admiration, excitement, maybe even humbled to be in his presence. But for Mark, all he could think as the dust cleared, and he got his first look at him was: Damn, he's HUGE. Not that he wasn't accurate, as even from his perch, Optimus was a titan, towering over the other Autobots with ease. The Prime gave a warm smile as Prowl stepped forward from the large congregation of Autobots and humans. "Prowl, it is wonderful to see you, old friend." As they gripped each others arms in greeting, and then he turned to address the rest "It is a pleasure to see so many familiar faces."

Mark shakily stood to his feet on Hound's shoulder as Optimus went down the line of Autobots. Though it only barely gave him a better look, his ant anticipation built with each greeting. Eventually, the Autobot leader found his way to them though, and Mark yet again felt weak at the knees. "I trust you did a fair job of holding down the fort until Prowl arrived, Hound." Optimus noted as he and the large mech bumped fists.

"Ye know it." Hound crossed his arms "And a lot more too." He then added "It's good to see you Prime."

"As it is good to see you my old friend."

At this point, Mark felt those large deep blue optics fall upon him, with a look of curiosity and amusement. Was Optimus chuckling as he tried to keep his footing atop Hound's shoulder? Mark blushed a little, and looked down before giving a shy wave. "H-Hi... Mr. Optimus Prime... Sir."

"Hello, young one." Optimus turned to Hound "Much more, indeed." Optimus raised an optic ridge in curiosity.

"This is Mark, he's my foster son." Hound explained, earning a small smile from the Autobot leader "We have a lot of catching up to do on that end, Prime. But considering it's not the most important matter at hand... I'll fill you in later." He winked.

For a moment, Mark wondered how Optimus would react. Was he going to demand to know the story now, was he going to wonder where he came from? Optimus only regarded him for a moment, smiled, and held a large finger out, much to his surprise. "Then I believe a welcome to the Autobots is in order, Mark." He then added "I look forward to getting to know you."

After much hesitation, Mark took the finger, and shook. His eyes filled with shock still. He had just shaken hands with Optimus Prime, a mech he had admired from afar for some time. "T-T-Thank you sir..." He then added "It's an honor to meet you."

"Optimus, or Prime." Optimus told him firmly "That's what my men call me, and that's what you will call me." He then leaned in with a warm smile "And believe me, the pleasure is all mine."

"A-Alright Optimus."

And then, with the greetings to his Autobots (and Mark) done, he turned to address the rest of the human congregation. Mark tried not to grimace as he seated himself onto Hound's shoulder, seeing that Coulton was already making his way forward. "Optimus Prime, let me be the first of our species to welcome you back." Coulton's words carried a certain edge to them "I'm David Coulton, I am one of your new liasons to the human government."

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