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"Happy birthday Mark!"

Four months later, that was the echoing chorus that resounded when Hound and Mark returned from court. Indeed, his fifteenth birthday, and his adoption date had fallen on the same day. And for that matter, what better Christmas present could one ask to receive? The showering of gifts from both Autobot and human alike was nice, that was sure. But nothing compared to standing in that courtroom as Hound crossed the T's and dotted the I's on his adoption papers, making his adoption and integration into the Autobots official.

As for regular life, it had returned to the closest thing to normalcy the Autobots had. The base had been rebuilt, bigger and better than ever, and with few precious possessions lost in the process. Mark had returned to school after a week off to rest off his injuries, with Alexis now as his (rather serious) girlfriend. They still took it slow and steady, much to Hound's pleasure, but Mark was almost certain that this girl was the person he was meant to be with. And to put it lightly, he wouldn't have it any other way either.

Even now, she was sitting in his lap amidst the partygoers, who were mostly pooped, and sprawled out in the rec room. More than half of them had been mocked by Mearing for having drank a lot, with a reminder that they'd be back to work in the morning. "So, Mark Savoy," Alexis teased, poking him in the chest. "You've just officially been adopted, and spent the best hours of your life partying," She jested. "What are you going to do now?"

"Before, or after he crashes from the sugar high?" Sideswipe laughed from his seat right beside them. "How many pieces of cake did you have Mark? Four?" Mark held up five fingers at that. "Primus, how are we not picking your puke up off the floor," He then added. "I bet Alexis would find that REALLY hot," Mark laughed, shaking his head.

Mark simply threw the pillow beside him at Sideswipe, laughing lightly. "At least someone finds me hot, Sides, people are getting over Corvettes," He joked very bluntly. "Pretty soon I might have to trade-up to a cooler model," He then added. "Which would be super easy if someone hadn't turned sixteen," Alexis whistled lightly. "I still have no idea how you talked Mirage into being your guardian."

Alexis shrugged, laying back against her boyfriend's chest. "Easy, he was impressed by me back in Dallas," Alexis shrugged her shoulders a bit. "And he isn't that antisocial once you get to know him. He's just rough around the edges, and a hard aft."

Sideswipe pointed at Mark. "Sounds like you're stuck with me, punk."

Mark stuck his tongue out, even if he didn't really mind that at all. After all, Sideswipe was still his best, and closest friend. "I can live with that, as long as you're willing to stick around me," He then added. "And teach me to drive, considering I am now old enough to get my permit," He grinned wickedly.

"Thank Primus I will not have that job," Mirage stated as he headed over. "No offense, mon ami," Mark held up a hand, waving him off. "You ready to get home girly? I need to get you home before your papa gets worried," He then added. "It's getting late."

Mark pouted, but Alexis merely looked over at him, smiling and kissing him on the lips. "He's right, Mark. It's almost eleven," She explained. "Spend the rest of the time with your dad, have fun," She patted his chest slightly. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"You got it," Mark gave her a kiss this time. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight boys."

"Night Lexi."

"Sweet dreams, Alexis." Hound stated as he stepped out of the group he was with. "Well then," He stated, picking Mark up. "I have the same question for you, Markus Savoy. What are you going to do now?" He questioned, depositing him on his shoulder.

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