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The Arrival

The next months passed with much awkwardness. As Hound had thought he would, he fought back and forth with social services. Who often stated that he had no right to raise someone outside of his species. But he never gave in or up, even when they constantly tried to say "no", he went to all his classes, he put NEST through the home study, which was overseen by Colonel William Lennox, which they barely passed due to the chaos on base, but still managed to none-the-less. And while all this happened, and he received his license, Hound waited for the okay to bring Mark back to the NEST Base they now called home again.

Around three-thirty one afternoon four months after the process started, Hound's comm beeped. "Ms. Walsh, always a pleasure to hear from you." He spoke into his comm link "Were you calling to give me a progress report on how Mark's doing? He hasn't skipped any more classes, has he?"

"I was actually calling to congratulate you, Hound." Hound immediately stood from his seated position at his post in the communications bay "I've just been given the OK to place Markus Franklin Savoy into the care of one: Autobot Hound." He was nearly ready to rush out at that moment "But hold on before you get too excited. Given your... Unusual circumstances, I have been told to visit you twice every two weeks." Hound nodded, he could do that "And what's more... This is on a very trial run basis for my boss, and as such, at the first sign this new "alien" environment is becoming detrimental to his health..."

"He'll be removed, I understand your concern." Hound nodded his head "What put me over the top? Just last week they were saying that-."

"My recommendation and that of his CASA worker." Dana replied calmly "You're the most persistent prospect I've seen in years, and Markus has continually voiced his desire to live with you." Hound smiled a little at that "As far as I'm concerned you've earned this on a trial basis and we'll see how well it goes." She explained.

"Thank you." Hound replied "When can I-?"

"You don't come to him, he comes to you. Please tell Colonel Lennox that Markus and I will be arriving around six o'clock in the afternoon." Hound nodded his head, it only gave them a short amount of time, but they would make it work "I'll see you then."


The moment he cut out on the comm link, the base became a whirlwind of panic. Lennox had labeled this moment "Code: Purple", in order for all the higher members of the NEST hierarchy would be there. While most everyone else was allowed to go about their day as they normally would, it went without saying that their best behavior on-base was appreciated. They finished gathering who they needed within five minutes of when Lennox got a call. "Yep, that's her, send her through to the main hangar." Hound heard him speak before he quietly turned to him "Nervous?" Hound could only nod "Don't be. It's going to be fine."

"I haven't been a father since before this planet was out of the ice age." Hound replied.

Lennox laughed in response, shaking his head and looking up at him. "You'll be fine."

A moment later, Dana Walsh stepped into the hangar with her arm around Mark. Hound's spark nearly leapt out of his chest in happiness at the sight of seeing the young human again for the first time since he was released from the hospital. He carried a black duffle bag that seemed to contain his wordily possessions, and seemed to be much better groomed, including having had a much-needed hair cut since he last saw him. "Hound!" He shouted happily "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

"You're looking well yerself." Hound crouched down as Mark broke from Dana and made his way over "Primus, it's good to see you." He noted, running his hand along his hair "So, are there more forms for me to sign before I get Mark acquainted with his new home?" He questioned, eyeing Dana calmly.

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