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For such a simple solution, the meeting seemed to go on forever in Mark's eyes. It was much to the relief of everyone involved that the President shook hands with, and thanked Optimus Prime for his help. Securing the fact that the Autobots would not be forced into hiding again, and making many of them relax. Meanwhile many things were discussed in regards to rebuilding, with the Autobots agreeing to help things in Dallas, just as they had in Hong Kong, and briefly, in Chicago. In return, each government representative present agreed to dispel any bad press, or harmful words spoken out of turn. With Sam, who was stated to be their unofficial "ambassador", agreed to hold a press conference about everything that day.

It all went by so quickly that Mark was surprised he had even been able to keep up. After a long time however, things seemed to die down, which was when Optimus finally turned his head towards him. "And now, we have one more thing we must discuss," Optimus began. "The fact that with NEST base being dislocated until repairs are complete... What is to happen to Markus?"

Hound's grip on his shoulders tightened as his tension rose. He knew it was to tell him that everything would be okay, but it still made him worried. "I'd really like," Hound paused a moment. "To adopt him once the base is rebuilt and we have a proper home again," The other officials muttered to one-another. "I know it's never been done before. But I love Mark, more than anything, and I'd like the right to continue to raise him."

The looks in the room ranged from confusion, approval, and in some cases, looks of disgust. But it was Sam, to Mark's surprise, who stepped up to their defense. Then again, why would he even be surprised? It wasn't like the man didn't know and trust the Autobots. "Guys, Mark's been living with them for almost a year," Sam explained. "The Autobots have gone above and beyond the call of duty in taking care of him. Hell, they staged a recuse mission in the middle of Dallas first thing when he was taken."

"But you're talking about letting a giant robot adopt a human," A representative spoke up. "Taking financial and legal responsibility for him. With Hound fostering him it's one thing, but we can at least monitor him," Mark tensed up at that, but Hound gently rubbed his arm comfortingly. "But social services would have no say in him if he's adopted. He'd for all intents and purposes be the son of-."

"A good mech," Mearing spoke up from the corner, having been present as well. "I agree with the Witwicky kid on this one, sir. What Hound and Mark seem to have is very real. And while I'm not jazzed about having a fourteen year old on my base," She sighed a bit. "Hound deserves the same rights as any foster father. Mark's an orphan, and he definitely has found a family that loves him. Isn't that the entire point of the foster care system?"

The president stood there silently, his mind running through the options. Mark almost felt bad for putting the man on the spot, and would have felt worse if this wasn't about his fate. He backed up closer to Hound, worry in his eyes. What would happen to him if he said no? Would he be allowed to at least be fostered by Hound still? He supposed that didn't sound so bad, after all, he didn't need a piece of paper to know who his family and father was. "Alright," He finally spoke, looking between Optimus and Hound. "We can arrange for a formal adoption hearing to be done once the main base is back up and running. But not a second sooner."

Mark felt a wave of relief fall over him, Hound was going to adopt him. He was going to have a legal, official family, and for that matter, one that no government official as crooked as Coulton could take from him. "Well then," Hound patted his son's arm lightly. "It looks like you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time," He kissed the top of Mark's head gently. "Told ye we had nothing to worry about." He whispered.

Mark was too relieved to remind Hound of just how nervous he had been too. Though he still wondered where he'd go for the time being, given he couldn't exactly live at NEST base anymore. "Until then, I'm guessing you'll go and live on the base Mr. Witwicky runs?" The president commented. "After all, we can't let him stay in your care while you're living out on the street. But we can get away with it if you have a place of residence."

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