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Frustrations and Suspicions

Mark was almost amused by how unhappy Coulton was over Optimus not kicking him to the curb. Almost immediately after they had talked, Mark and Hound had heard a loud argument between the two, which had ended with Optimus telling him to "leave my Autobots alone". Too put it simply, Optimus had made his point: Mark could stay with the Autobots as long as he wished to. And anyone, including Coulton, who saw a problem with his being there would now have to deal with not only Hound, but himself as well. And Mark had to admit, it did help things a lot now that a twenty-five foot robot the world was afraid of making angry was on their side too.

For the first time in what felt like too long, Mark felt one hundred percent at home. The only thing that seemed like it might get in their way was social services, but Dana's inspections had gone well enough that it wasn't much of a problem. Other than on days like today, when he was mandated to meet with another person from social services for a second, or sometimes third opinion, something that the group had required due to his "unusual circumstances". To tell the truth, he hated having to dress nicely and deal with people he knew barely were even okay with him living there, yet he had no choice.

The man that had arrived at the hangar was almost as tall and intimidating as Optimus would be if he were human, and called himself Trent. Yet Mark stood his ground, and simply followed the man on the walk along base. The man carried a clipboard and had the hardest look of any official outside of the government that Mark had come to meet. After a moment, the man snorted. "I almost thought they were kidding when they said where they were sending me." He stated, breaking the silence "I've seen a lot of weird living situations, but yours, kid, takes the cake."

"I get that a lot." Mark replied, trying his best to keep up good conversation "But it's cool, living here isn't that much different from living in a home... When you look past the big guns, the security clearance, and the giant robots." The man gave him a look at that "Okay, so it isn't normal. But normal's overrated, right? Everyone but this one guy, Coulton's been pretty cool to me."

"Mmmhmmmm." Trent nodded his head slightly "Yeah, okay, so you're okay with the whole weird, sci-fi life. So we can mark you down as being comfortable, I guess." He then added "Though I kind of want to question your sanity for being okay with that, I'm not here to judge. So, let me start my questions, because quite frankly I have a lot of kids that are actually my cases to see." He explained "Have you been hit?"


"Asked to have inappropriate relations?"

"Ew, no."

"Have any of the giant robots that are currently in your makeshift "family" tried to force their way of life on you?" Mark gave a raised eyebrow at that, confusion in his eyes "You know: religion, culture... Have they tried to turn you into a cyborg...?"

Mark almost wanted to slap the man for the sheer stupidity of that last statement. What did they think his life was? A bad sci-fi movie? He shook his head slightly, and crossed his arms. "No, no, and no. I've learned about their religion and stuff, sure. But I'm all flesh and bones." He replied bluntly "Look, I get it. You guys are worried about my well-being. But I'm fine here, in fact I'm learning a lot by living with aliens. I'm glad I opened my mind."

By the unamused look on Trevor's face that he was not buying it. Yet Mark knew what he said was true, he had felt that way for some time now. The man sighed, and took a few notes on his pad. "Well, opening your mind is a good thing at least. Just be careful with what information you absorb." He added "Now, to move on with my questions... Are you ever deprived of food, or used as slave labor on the military base?"

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