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Nerves and Annoyances

The first day that Mark woke up, he almost had to do a double take. For a moment, he nearly forgot where he was, but realization soon settled in. He sighed quietly, and snuggled deep into his soft mattress. It had worked, it had actually worked, and now he was living with the Autobots. On one hand, it felt strange, but on another, he loved the feeling. After he had buried his head into his pillow again, he heard the door slide open, and soon found a finger caressing his back gently. "Mark, time to get up, youngling." Hound told him quietly as Mark shifted, and pushed himself into a seated position "I'd let you sleep a little later, but if ye sleep any longer yer liable to completely sleep through breakfast." He noted.

"What time is it?" Mark murmured.

"Ten o'clock." Hound replied, his optics baring down on him "How'd ye recharge? Yer bed comfortable enough?"

"Perfect." Mark replied, climbing from the bed "I don't think I've ever actually slept in a bed that comfortable since..." He paused just short of talking about his old life "So, breakfast, I guess it's in the mess hall again, right?" He asked, as Hound inclined his head "I should get going then."

Hound stepped aside, and turned around, allowing Mark to dress quickly and privately. "You should hop in the shower." Hound reminded him.

Mark gave Hound a look, rolling his eyes. It was clear that Mark hadn't expected him to take to his fatherly role so quickly. But Hound intended to do completely right by Mark, and that meant keeping an eye out for things like this. "I'll go and shower after breakfast, Hound. But I'm not going out into a base in my pajamas." He replied honestly "I promise."

"Alright, I guess you have a point." Hound replied "I've yet to get my morning energon either since I've waited for you." Mark smiled slightly at that "And I'm hungry."

Mark followed Hound out to the mess hall quietly. As they walked, he couldn't help but notice the warm look in Hound's optics, and the smile on his face that signified how happy he was. And Mark had to admit, he was happy as well, very happy. Being around Hound made him feel warm and welcomed, something that made him happier than he could imagine. "Hound?" Hound looked down as Mark spoke up again "How are we going to call each other to other people, just so I know what to say?"

"Well, I figured it would be easiest to call you my ward. Since I doubt you're ready to be called my "son" yet." Mark nodded, it would be a little bit before he was ready for that, as much as he wished that weren't the case "Whatever you want to call me is really up to you. "Foster Father", "Caretaker"..." He suggested.

"Foster father works." Mark replied with a sigh "Caretaker just sounds kinda... Awkward."

Hound knew that this was all the nerves in Mark talking. And they were nerves that he would probably have for the next few weeks. He needed to get used to having Hound as a foster father, and Hound likewise had to get used to having him as a foster son. As they stopped in front of the doors to the mess hall, he smiled warmly. "Just relax, youngling." Hound chuckled "Everyone here knows about this, it'll be a long while before you even have to worry about that." He paused a long moment "So why don't we come inside and get something to eat." He motioned to the doors "We can't wait much longer after all."

"Alright, you're right." Mark threw up his hands in defeat "I need to calm down."

As they entered the mess hall, Mark took as much food as he could. Grabbing some scrambled eggs, bacon, and several pieces of toast which he licked his lips hungrily at as he took a seat and Hound brought up another, Autobot-sized one beside him, holding his own morning energon. "I hear the breakfast here is actually quite good." Hound noted as Mark began to dig in, giving a thumbs up of approval "You seemed to like the supper last night too, so I see that won't be a problem."

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