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A New Liason and a New Agreement

The next few days passed like clockwork after Coulton's leave, and the visit from Mark's father. Mark had told Hound about the latter, and to his surprise, Hound believed him. As he had put it, Mark had seen what he needed to see. And Hound even admitted that he was thankful his father found forgiveness and peace in death, as well as seen the error in his ways. Beyond that first day that he mentioned it, however, Mark decided not to bring it up again. His father was right, it was time he started to move forward in his life, as much as he missed him. But he could at least now move forward knowing that somewhere out there, Savoy was watching over him, and proud of who he was becoming.

About a week after the entire incident, Charolette Mearing arrived on the new NEST Base for the first time. The first thing that Mark had noticed was the sharp look in her eyes and the way she carried herself. Yet, Mark also noted that Mearing seemed to be far from a mean looking individual, if anything, she simply looked very professional. Of course, when he was asked to be there to greet her, he had taken the time to hide behind Hound for the most part, his nerves working overtime. Was she going to be kind and fair like Epps? Cold and rude like Coulton? Or something worse entirely?

At the end of the line, he could hear talking calmly with Optimus. The two chatted like a couple of old friends, even if there seemed to be somewhat of a monotone in her voice. Finally, they broke off from speaking and she addressed the other Autobots. "So, do I get to meet the boy that has half the government running around like a madhouse?" Mearing spoke up for the first time now. "After all, as I understand it, Coulton's abuse of him is ninety percent of the reason he's gone now."

Mark felt as Hound nudged him forward gently with his foot. The boy shot his foster father a glare, but the mech only nodded forward. Mark sighed, and finally stepped out of the procession of Autobots to face Mearing. "That would be me, m'am," Mark began.

"Young man, do I look like a m'am?"

"Sorry... Sir?"

"Mearing, will do," Mearing replied, thankful the boy didn't sass her like the last teenager on base had. "I'll have you know, I'm not too happy with the idea of a fourteen year old on my base. You're a major liability, especially when you're under Autobot care," Hound visibly stiffened, as if ready to argue. "That being said, I also understand Hound worked hard for his right to have custody of you. And as far as the reports I have been given are concerned, you've been a model member of this base. Outside of a few pranks."

Mark shifted uncertainly, thankful to hear that. He tried his best to stay out of NEST's way, and let them do their jobs. The only times he interacted with anyone was when they were on break and approached him. "I'm glad to hear that, Mearing," Mark replied with a gulp. "I promise, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I'm only here because I didn't have a home, and was offered one here," He explained. "If you want me gone, I'll get it. Maybe things would be easier without me, probably would actually. But I'm not here to cause trouble."

Mearing stared at him for a long time, trying to read if the boy was being honest. She sighed quietly, and shook her head. "No, I don't think kicking you off base will be necessary," Mark visibly relaxed at that comment, though Mearing cleared her throat. "But I will have a close eye on you, Savoy. If I think even for a second you can't be trusted, you're out of here." Her eyes bore hard into Mark's. "You're still a civilian on here, after all. But as an honorary Autobot, I have agreed to respect you do have a position here."

"What position would that be?" Mark asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"A goodwill ambassador, if you will," Mearing smiled a bit. "You and Hound are changing things, kid. For the better if you ask me," She pushed her glasses further up her nose quietly. "And right now, if you ask me, we could use one of those." Her face quickly returned to her unreadable, professional expression. "I think there will be more goodwill missions like the one you did at the charity event in your future."

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