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The Redhead

"So, what's it like living with them?"

Mark looked up from the stack of fries he and Maria were sharing. For a moment, his eyes wandered as he pondered his answer. Though the restaurant they were in wasn't fancy, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The burgers, fries, and shakes were the only thing they could both afford without jobs. But to his luck, Maria didn't seem to mind, only eagerly chewing her fries and keeping a wide smile. "It's cool," Mark shrugged slightly, biting into his hamburger. "You know, I've been with them long enough now that I don't even think about it. It's like living in a human home," He admitted with a chuckle. "I even get chores to do around the base every so often."

"Chores, on a military base?" Maria asked curiously. "What in the world would they have you do on a military base?"

Mark laughed, leaning forward a bit. "Nothing big. I help dad polish his guns once in a while. Obviously always with his help," Mark explained, then thought it over. "Most of my chores I kinda always offer to do. Because I want to help them out," Maria nodded understandingly. "Last week the ambassador to France came in and I offered to help attend to his needs." He rolled his eyes at the memory.

"I take it there were a lot of needs," Maria laughed.

"Who knew one guy could eat so many M&M's," Mark laughed in return.

"It must be cool though," Maria replied thoughtfully, her eyes locking with Mark's. "Getting to meet all kinds of people from around the world. Have you gotten to meet the president yet?" Mark shook his head, that was a privilege he had yet to get. "Man, you should work on that. I bet getting to meet the president would be wicked cool."

Mark chuckled, but again, shrugged his shoulders. "Politicians are just like you and me," He admitted. "The idea of meeting them being overly exciting has kinda gone away. Though it is really cool to meet them too, it's just not THAT exciting when it happens all the time." He then added with a grin. "But most of them are at least nice. And none of them have been a jerk to me or anything. Minus Coulton, but he's just an official."

Maria nodded her head, playing with her burger a little. It was now that Mark began to panic, did she find him boring? He blushed and pushed his hair away. "I'm boring, I know," Mark bit his lip a little. "I wish I could say I was the most exciting son of an Autobot ever. But mostly I haven't changed," Mark replied honestly. "Other than learning about a whole other culture and lifestyle."

"They've taught you their culture?" Mark nodded as Maria's questioning. "Like their religions? Genders? Even the crazy stuff like sexuality and reproduction?"

Mark nodded in response, a smile on his face. "Dad's been teaching me as much as he can," He explained. "I know a lot but I'm still learning a lot too. Cybertron was just one of a whole system of cultures. Even if it was their home planet." Maria look fascinated by that. "He said if I'm going to be basically raised in two worlds. I should learn about the other half of it," He added calmly.

"That makes sense," Maria nodded back in agreement.

"What about you?" Mark asked, his eyes meeting hers. "What's your story? I mean I get the gist of it. But you haven't really told me everything."

Maria shifted a bit, and looked at her fries again. It was clear that it was awkward to some extent to talk about her story. "I was like you. I was raised by my dad, but unlike you... My mom skipped out on us," She explained, her tone betraying the pain she felt about it. "My grandma moved in with us to help dad take care of me. And since my dad is busy a lot of the time with work, she pretty much raised me." She explained.

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