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A Growing Fondness

Mark and Sideswipe returned to a NEST filled a commotion. The first thing that Mark observed about the situation was there was shouting from a male voice he hadn't heard before. Sideswipe, however, clearly noticed and recognized the voice, given how his optics widened in despair. "Oh Primus. If we're getting new recruits, could it be ANYONE but him?" He groaned, noticing as Mark raised an eyebrow "I hope you enjoyed having free rein kid, because you're never getting away with anything again." He then added, turning to the side "I'll catch you later, shorty."

Mark continued to be confused as he approached the source of the sound. Mark soon found himself in the presence of Hound and a tall, black and white, door-winged mech, who had his hands on his hips, and a serious look on his face. "There you two are." Hound commented as he turned around "Where did you go? You've been gone half the day."

"We went to the arcade and then a movie..." Mark paused looking up at the other mech "You didn't say we were getting a new arrival, who is he?"

The other mech stared down at Mark with curiosity. "Is this your foster son?" He questioned Hound, who nodded his head "Well then, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Prowl, and I am the second-in-command under Optimus Prime." He explained, Mark nodded his head "It's nice to meet you, Markus. I've been hearing from your caretaker about you for the past few hours."

"Good things?" Mark asked, Prowl nodded "It's nice to meet you too." He turned to Hound "So I guess this got you off the hook as leader, huh?"

"Thank Primus." Hound laughed, clearly confirming that "I was not built for leadership."

Mark had to admit, there was a certain relief in knowing that. Given the fact that it meant they would have more time together, and he definitely liked the idea of that. Prowl crossed his arms, and stared at Hound. "You did a good job as far as I could tell though." Prowl explained "Though I remain uncertain of whether bringing a child into the equation was the best idea." It was Mark's turn to cross his arms at that "Don't worry, I won't step in and kick you out. I simply was surprised it was allowed, and under other circumstances, I may have found a different solution."

Mark felt somewhat annoyed by that, yet not at the same time. After all, not everyone had agreed with it at the beginning either. "Well, I probably would've been too stubborn to listen anyway." Mark chuckled, though Prowl looked less-than-amused at Hound's answer "I've come to enjoy this little bitlet's company far too much." He smiled, and winked at Mark "Besides he doesn't cause any trouble."

"He spends time with Sideswipe and you expect me to believe that?" Prowl asked.

"Eh, okay, he doesn't cause much trouble." Mark stuck his tongue out at Hound for that one "Aw, come on, you're still a growing sparkling, of course you cause a little trouble." Mark rolled his eyes, though he agreed, remembering when he nearly got himself burnt to a crisp by Grimlock "Either way the point is, I think you two will get along well enough."

Prowl watched the boy silently, uncertainty in his optics. But though the mech gave off a stern aura, Mark could tell that he wasn't all bad. But he would not be taking Sideswipe's warning lightly. After all, the mech usually knew his way around the higher-ups. "I suppose it won't be much worse than when we had Bumblebee growing up on base. At least this one is already properly toilet trained." Mark felt his face flush with embarrassment "At least, I trust you don't lubricate everywhere."

"Not since I was a baby!"

Hound couldn't help but chuckle, despite the sideways glare his charge shot him. Smirking, Hound simply picked Mark up and deposited him on his shoulder, as if in apology. "He's right, y'know. He may be a tiny thing, but he's about fourteen human years old." He explained to Prowl "He also has a temper that would have rivaled ole Ironhide's sometimes. So I'd refrain from asking questions like that in front of him."

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