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DISCLAIMER: The OC in this chapter, Moonrider, belongs to Mimzy94 from I don't own own Transformers, it is owned by Hasbro/Takara, I only own Mark and any OCs OTHER than Moonrider.



Stubbornness and Guardians

How many people does it take to take care of a sick kid on a military base? Mark had inevitably lost count after some time, but he did know that he wished he hadn't been hovered over. Though he was slowly getting over the stomach flu he had had, most of the base seemed to either ask him if he was feeling alright, or avoid him for fear of being sick. He guessed that it didn't entirely help that most of the NEST personnel were parents, or had been parents at some point in their lives, and he was a kid too. Yet there was still one mech who mostly treated him the same. "Primus, kid, you call this feeling better?" Sideswipe teased as Mark dragged himself into the main hangar "You look like you just got done being on Shockwave's "examination" berth."

"Shockwave?" Mark asked sheepishly.

"A Decepticon scientist, a very nasty mech." Drift brought up from the side with a sigh as he walked along carrying a data pad "My friend Moonrider got captured once, now she turns into animals and an organic form." He shuddered slightly "And the way it happened didn't seem very... Kind either." He shuddered "He also committed some experiments that a young grasshopper such as yourself should not hear about." He then added "I thank Primus he has met the Pit every day." He stated as he continued to walk off "Glad to see you up and about, youngling."

Mark shuddered, though he was thankful to hear that if this Decepticon was sick, he was at least gone now. He sneezed slightly, and groaned a bit. "Don't let Hound know I'm still a little off." Mark muttered "I don't want to be sent back to bed with soup again. I think I've literally seen every imaginable episode of Family Guy twice now."

Sideswipe shook his head, putting his hands on his hips slightly. "You know I'm not going to say anything." Sideswipe told him honestly "Hound may be older, but he isn't blind, he'll figure that out himself." Mark stuck his tongue out at him "Come on, kid. You really SHOULD be back in bed, you know that, right? You were puking up half your food yesterday."

Mark merely scowled, and crossed his arms. He'd always been stubborn when it came to being sick, since he naturally hated laying in bed for long periods of time in the day. Sideswipe rolled his optics, and nudged his human friend slightly with one of his wheel feet. "Sides, you, Drift, and Mirage are the ones who are not hovering over me and waiting for me to puke my guts out." Mark groaned "Please don't pick now to be like the rest of the base."

Sideswipe chuckled lightly, he enjoyed teasing the kid too much. But it was okay, because he knew deep down, Mark knew he was right, and would be over it before too long. He grinned, and patted the boy on the back this time. "Kid, you're like a little brother to me, I gotta give you a hard time sometimes." Mark frowned as Sideswipe looked up "Oh, what's up Hound?"

Mark jumped, and perked up quickly, only to find no one there. "You suck." Mark grunted.

"And you're too easy to fool." Sideswipe hummed teasingly.

Mark groaned as his stomach gurgled a bit, this time, Sideswipe quickly wheeled to the side. He shook his head slightly, and pointed at him. "If you vomit all over me, I swear to Primus... I'll haul your aft off to bed myself." He told him bluntly as he rubbed the back of his neck "Love ye kid, but seriously, this is a fresh paint job, and I don't want to be cleaning it off all day."

"You'd deserve it after that." Mark joked "I'm fine though, seriously. It's just a little left over, seriously, scan me. Do I have any sign of a fever?"

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