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Some days, Coulton hated his human disguise even more than he hated the Autobots. All these years he had spent hours upon hours of time forging documents, infiltrating the humans (even before the Autobots arrived), creating a signal scrambler to keep his identity a secret, and forcing himself into a liason positon. And what did the Deception pretender have to show for it? He was no steps closer to destroying the Autobots from the inside, his master's army had been reduced to small numbers, and worst of all, his sparkmate, who had fought in Chicago was dead.

And now there was the kid.

He hated to say it, but this Mark Savoy was doing a good job of being a real thorn in his side. He was one of the few reasons the general public was even deciding to try and trust the Autobots again. Now they had a mascot, a cute little kid who they were raising, and whom they were giving a semi-normal, happy life. The world no longer only saw the war machines that fought in and nearly destroyed three major cities, they saw gentle giants who were there for the protection of all life, human or otherwise. And it more than made the Decepticon sick to think about.

Stepping out of the shadows of the parking garage in the worst part of Washington D.C., Coulton listened for the loud hum of engines that signaled his master's arrival. Sure enough, no more than a second later, the large truck that was Galvatron drove out of the darkness and stopped in front of his underling. "I hear the old one with the attitude still lives." Galvatron spoke without even a "hi" "How could they manage such an operation without complications?"

"The medic, First Aid." Coulton replied "It was a minor set-back, Lord Galvatron. But they weren't going to give up the boy anyway, he's their asset. The only reason the humans are even beginning to trust the Autobots again." He tapped the side of his sunglasses before taking them off "We might as well forget about separating them, and instead focus on our other options." He added "He was only a back-up plan, anyway."

He backed up slightly as Galvatron transformed, crouching low so as not to hit the roof. To say the silver, man made Decepticon didn't look pleased would have been an understatement. "You'd be wise to remember who you are talking to, Pretender 9067." Coulton cringed slightly "It's true I do not need the boy for our plans. But I cannot wait endlessly for you to grow a processor and find someway to destroy them from the inside." He snarled "I grow impatient, and tired. And you have done NOTHING."

"Are you forgetting who got you out of Hong Kong to begin with?" Coulton snapped "Or who gave you the Vehicons to begin with!"

"Yet the Autobots are still standing..."

"We were so close, we could have destroyed them..." Coulton shrugged.

"Then why do they still live!?" Galvatron growled, his voice dripping with venom.

"We had a SETBACK. They got rid of Cemetery Wind. Or have you forgotten that was the plan? To let that buffoon Attinger, and his underling Savoy destroy them for us?" Galvatron looked away with a grunt "Need I remind you who messed that up? I was so close and then you just had to jump the gun and screw it all up! You should have figured it out and bought yourself time and had the power trip when I knew you were still online." Galvatron slammed a fist just inches from Coulton's form "Now we have to start from scratch."

Galvatron grunted, his optics narrowing with anger. Coulton knew that Galvatron knew he was right, that he had screwed up. The problem with the Decepticon leader was, however, that he didn't like being the screw-up. "Something must happen. Something that will make the humans fear the Autobots again." Galvatron noted "Whether it be harm to the boy, or a set-up, we need to break them, and the humans trust of them."

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