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PAIRINGS: We have added a new pairing as of this chapter. I decided to throw a mention of my OTP SideswipexArcee in here. So that's officially a "mentioned" couple in the fic.



Brotherly Help

Coulton had made a good effort to avoid Mark after that day with Grimlock. Even in the hallways, Coulton would make a point to turn around and head down another way. It made Mark feel much more comfortable, especially given he was still getting over his near-abduction. More than once, Mark had woken up from sleep in a deep sweat and Hound's holoform over him assuring him he was okay. It was hard not to relive every second of that battle and chase, after all, he was only a kid, and it had been exceptionally terrifying.

Lucky for him, Hound didn't seem to mind waking from recharge to comfort him. Telling him very politely that they all had nightmares about one battle or another. It was comforting most nights to have Hound beside him. Especially when he'd stroke his back and hum him to sleep in a pleasant, melodic fashion. Luckily for him, however, things seemed to be calming down slowly and he hoped soon, the nightmares would cease entirely. Even if Hound had told him that chances were, these nightmares would be reoccurring for life, as were his of the war.

For the most part, life returned to normal at base as well. Though the news still reported of the Autobots good deeds, and even a few reports on him and Hound. Mark still didn't know what it was like to be a "star", but it felt dang near close to it. Or at least, it did in his fourteen year old mind. "So," Mark turned his head as Sideswipe rolled up beside him in the in the main hangar. "You called for a ride?"

Mark took a deep breath, straightening his t-shirt a little in response. He had asked for a ride, though he didn't want anyone else on base to know it yet. Though Maria and him were just going out as friends that day, he didn't want anyone prying. He knew questions would be asked. Questions that would probably end in overprotectiveness, and he didn't need that right now. "Keep it down, will you," Mark insisted quietly. "If dad, Lennox, or Epps hear you, they're going to ask questions."

"About you wanting a ride?" Sideswipe asked, quirking an eyebrow. "I'm your guardian, kid. I'm supposed to drive you places," Mark seemed to blush a bit, and fiddle around with his hair. "Wait a minute, I know that look. I used to have it whenever I pulled a fast one on Red Alert," Sideswipe tilted his head with a grin on his face. "You're going on a date with that femme from school, aren't you?"

"It's not a date," Mark shouted. "She just asked me to go see that new Doctor Strange movie. As friends," Mark insisted, though Sideswipe's grin told him he wasn't buying it. "Sides, if you blow this for me, I swear to God," Mark was getting frustrated now. "I really like this girl, but it's not a date. We're just friends, nothing more, nothing less."

Sideswipe carefully began to tap Mark on the side, his grin widening. It was clear that he was enjoying this, especially as he spun around the boy on his wheels. "You like her, you like her," Sideswipe chided childishly. "Oh boy, if you start dating she's going to have to go through so much interrogation," Mark's eye twitched ever so slightly at the notion. "Does she even know who your family is?"

"Sides, if you don't stop talking so loud," Mark began with a hint of extreme frustration. "I swear, I am going to find someone willing to paint you hot pink. And there will be unicorns involved," Sideswipe's optics looked as though Mark had just served him a death sentence. "Now, will you give me a ride to the theater? Or are you going to be immature about this?"

Sideswipe hung his arms slightly in disappointment, clearly he had been enjoying himself. He rubbed the back of his helm and sighed before transforming down into his Corvette form. The door popped open and his holform appeared in the driver's seat with a crackle of electricity. "Finnneeeee," Sideswipe whined as Mark climbed in. "You're hanging around Hound too much. You're getting touchy."

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