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Suspension and A Visit

"Suspend me," Coulton shouted loudly, his voice reverberating through the hangar. "General Moreshower, sir, you cannot suspend me from my position!"

Mark watched as the tall, muscular general glared harshly into Coultons eyes. The man didn't seem to give the liaison any remorse either, only told him his orders stoically. "Temporary suspension, Coulton," Moreshower replied in a harsh deadpan. "After all the crap you pulled, your superiors and I want to makes sure you're in the right place." He then pointed straight at Mark. "And that you are not seriously considering hurting a child. Let alone one under strict government, and Autobot protection."

Mark watched as Optimus, who was to Hound's right took a step forward. The Autobot leader had been very angry to hear that Coulton had actually threatened Mark. And today, he looked no less angry, with his mouth curved into a frown and his optics somewhat-narrowed. "I can tolerate a great deal of things on my base," Optimus began, his voice low. "But threats toward a youngling. Especially an Autobot youngling-."

"He isn't even one of you!"

"I decide who is and is not an Autobot," Mark was startled by the way Optimus snapped. "And Markus Savoy has proven to me time and time again that he has earned a place in our ranks. He may not be a part of this war, but he is an Autobot," Mark felt a small smile tug at his lips as Optimus told the man that. "And as an Autobot, he is also protected by the revised NEST treaty. Which says that I have a say in the fate of a man who harms my Autobots," He crouched low, and looked closely into Coulton's eyes. "So know this, David Coulton. If you chose to ever follow through on your threat, you will not only be at the mercy of your superiors. But at mine as well."

Hound, who stood on the other side of Mark, crossed his arms and glared. It was clear that he wanted to say a lot of things to the man. He wanted to tear him apart, piece-by-piece in fact. Yet he knew that for the sake of the Autobots he needed to keep himself mostly calm. "Be lucky I don't have too much say in this," Hound commented. "As far as I'm concerned, threatening my youngling-." Hound began, but was quickly cut off as Optimus raised a hand. "Well, we'll just say the punishment I wanted for you was far less kind."

Coulton's eyes finally met Mark's, though the boy tried to avert them. "And what about you, boy?" The man sneered. "No quips to add to this? No snarks?"

Mark looked Coulton dead in the eye, holding his ground well. "Seeyah, don't let the door hit ye where the good lord split ye," He told him, almost childishly. "I'm sure that we'll all really miss your charming personality while you're gone." After that, Mark saw Optimus give him a warning glance and shut his mouth.

The look Coulton gave him made him tense, and even a little afraid. He looked livid, as if stunned that he had the guts to stand up to him like that after all this time. But Mark didn't care, Hound had now agreed to adopt him. This was his family, this was going to be his family forever if things went well. And on that note, they weren't going to let Coulton do anything to hurt him. "C'mon, David," Moreshower stepped forward now, grabbing his arm. "Let's go before you make yourself look any more like a damned idiot."

"No," Coulton shrugged the man off. "I can show myself out," He then stared between the boy and two mechs. "If you think you've gotten rid of me, you're wrong. I'll be back, and all three of you will wish you hadn't crossed this line." He told them with great anger before turning, and walking off in a huff.

Mark shuddered a little bit, hoping that wouldn't be the case. He was happy to hear that the man was gone, and there was no way that he wanted him back. Optimus took a step forward and stared down at Moreshower. "Does this mean we can expect the return of Charolette Mearing?" Optimus asked, hoping their best "main" liaison would be brought back on. "I know that she has expressed her desire to return in the past."

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