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A/N: The release of Age of Extinction totally pumped my muse back up for this fic so woo! New chapter time!


The Battle of Dallas: Part 3

Smoke filled his vision as Mark did everything he could to run for his life. Alexis kept close to him as he kept his hands firmly on his gun, aiming around. Sideswipe and Mirage flanked either side of him, and to his surprise, Mirage seemed to keep his optic on Alexis. Had she and the Ferari bot actually hit it off during whatever they were doing. "Kind of a rush, isn't it?" Sideswipe asked his partner from beside him. "All the firing from all sides, the smoke, the action."

"I was thinking it was kind of terrifying," Mark breathed out. "Dad!" Hound turned his head from his perch alongside one of the buildings. "How many of them are out there?"

Hound shook his head, turning around, and groaning. His optics lowered to Mark with a look of fear, and, from the looks of it, uncertainty. "They're coming by the slag-load," He shouted, looking at the others. "Sideswipe, Mirage, lead the kids to higher ground. If they're going to join the fight, I don't want them in the throng of this," He added very firmly.

Mark took steps forward, throwing his hands up. "No way, dad! We're in this together, remember?" Hound frowned at that, growling a little. "Don't give me that look, dad. I'm going in there with you if you like it or not," He then looked at Sideswipe and Mirage. "You guys can take Lexi to higher ground if it comes to that, but I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm obligated as your guardian to follow you," Sideswipe shrugged. "Even if you're going to get yourself and others killed."

Mark turned, ready to argue, but had no time. The sound of engines roaring above got his attention, though he quickly realized it was not a jet on their side. It was Cyclonus, and in his cockpit, Coulton, both looking very angry as Grimlock appeared to be distracted some distance off. "Dad, look out!" Mark shouted, the mech turned just in time to see several blasts, which hit him. "Stupid piece of slag! Eat this!" He shouted.

The shot that he fired from his gun hit Cyclonus in both wings. But, to his disappointment, it didn't do nearly as much damage as he hoped. Mark cursed under his breath, backing up, and turning towards Alexis. But she had already begun to rush forward, getting on one knee, pointing the gun towards the sky, and firing upon Cyclonus as well. "Mirage!" Alexis shouted. "I'm going to try and help fight off the others coming at Hound's left, can you cover me!?" She shouted.

Mirage grimaced a bit, seemingly unamused at the fact she was now throwing him orders. "Primus almighty girl, we team up for one mission and suddenly she thinks we're partners," Mirage grumbled, starting toward her. "But slag it all if I'm not getting a little fighting in myself."

Mark's head shot up, watching as the cockpit opened. His eyes widened at the sight of Coulton, leaping out and landing some feet away. Cyclonus came next, transforming, and landing himself. Hound looked between Sideswipe and Mark, as the latter turned his head towards Sideswipe. "Help dad take that creep Cyclonus out," Mark told him firmly. "Coulton's mine."

"This isn't gonna work that way kid," Sideswipe shook his head. "You're not taking an armed Decepticon on, not on your own."

Mark shook his head, watching as Coulton approached with vigor. Before Hound could turn to fire however, Cyclonus had leapt forward, violently slamming him into a building. "Sorry Sides, I never was a good listener," Mark ran a hand through his hair. "You want to help me out? Cover fire, that's all I need." He began a long stride towards Coulton. "But I'm taking this son of a gun out myself."

And with that, he raised his gun up, and began a rapid fire at Coulton. The mech seemed surprised, side-stepping to avoid it, but ultimately taking two hits as he approached. Sideswipe began to fire as well, rolling quickly to catch up with them. But his chance at firing at him was ended when Mark lunged violently for Coulton only a couple of feet away from him. Coulton dodged, swinging a fist violently for the back of Mark's head. Mark groaned, but this time, didn't go down, rather kicked both feet out from under him.

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