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A Danger in Their Midst

Mark tried to put what he had heard out of his head as another couple of days passed. Though he could tell he wasn't the only person with his mind on it. Hound kept his optics on him, and they were always filled with quiet wonder. Though Mark didn't know what to make of the whole situation, a small part of him did wonder what it would be like. How easy would it be to be raised by a giant robot? He was pretty sure the answer was "not easy at all", but that was up for debate. He hugged his legs to his chest, could he even trust someone to take care of him again? Hound had proved to be a good mech, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to put that much trust in him.

That evening, Mark was seated outside and out of the range of Cade's home. For no other reason than the fact that he needed some time on his own. He sighed, looking up at the stars silently. "Kid, aren't you supposed to be back in the barn?" Mark turned his head towards Crosshairs as he made his way beside him "I thought that was part of the deal."

"Hound said I can go out as long as I'm careful." Mark shrugged.

If Crosshairs thought Mark would listen to him, he may have argued otherwise. He seated himself down, and crossed his arms, watching out in the distance. Mark was clearly uncomfortable when the mech did, but tried to hide it. "If it means anything at all to you..." Mark told him calmly "I'm sorry for what my dad did to your friends. I'm pretty pissed off about it too."

"You?" Crosshairs snorted "What reason could you have to get angry?"

"You're living, breathing person. You all are. And killing is wrong, or at least it's supposed to be." Mark told him bluntly "Dad taught me that, but apparently he was a hypocrite." He explained "And besides... I kinda... Hero-worshipped you guys back in the day. Even after Chicago really..." He pushed his hair back in embarrassment "Don't tell Hound that, I don't want him to think I hung out with him because of that."

Crosshairs crossed his arms, and raised an optic ridge curiously. Why did Mark even care what any of them thought of him? He was only there for a short time, and before too long he'd be on his way. "I'm surprised that you even care considering the disposition of your father." Crosshairs snorted "Personally I expected you to mooch off of our kindness and make yourself scarce." He then added "I must say I am surprised in that regard."

Mark wasn't sure if it was meant as a compliment. In fact, he was almost certain that Crosshairs wasn't sure himself. But he stood to his feet, and put his hands in his pockets. "I never asked for his help." Mark admitted "He gave it to me himself, I was ready to go and leave you guys behind. Because I feel like I've let him do enough for me." He then added "He practically had to drag me here."

"Why?" Crosshairs asked "I would think-."

"Don't act like you know me like that, Crosshairs." Mark replied bluntly "Hell, you didn't even know my father if I'm going to be honest. You don't know what I'm like, you haven't eventried to learn." Crosshairs leaned back, surprised at the sudden outburst "You want to hold my dad against me? Fine. I don't care if you do because like I said, I'm just as mad at him." He then added "But don't sit there and assume I'm anything like that."

Crosshairs sat there for a long moment as Mark began to walk back towards the barn. He had to admit, if nothing else, he had to admire the fact that Mark didn't take anyone's "crap", including his. "You have real guts talking to someone as big as I am like that." Mark turned his head as Crosshairs stood to his feet "I didn't mean to upset you." He explained "I'm simply... Confused by you."

"What's there to be confused about?" Mark threw up his arms in confusion.

"You're complicated." Crosshairs explained "You reject your own father for something you were never even a part of. And yet, you mourn him every day. And don't think none of us have noticed." He then added "It's the same reason I'm not sure whether I can trust you, or Hound should be. Your loyalties are so confused that it's dangerous."

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