Of course, it was him

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Instead of enjoying the aroma of croissants, toast, hash browns and all the other confectionaries I could possibly imagine for breakfast, I was talking to my friend about my encounter I had last night. "So are you saying that a degenerate male chased you around in the courtyard last night?" Tenko asked as we ate our breakfast in the dining hall. "Tenko... It could have been anyone." I said as I took a bite out of my breakfast.  "Maybe it was Angie!" She said in a burgeoning excitement. I made my face straighter than a poker player and dryly commented, "Because you dislike Angie, does it mean you can blame her for random things..." As our conversation wandered to another topic I suddenly I had an idea of who was stalking me in the courtyard.

Kokichi Ouma....

The ultimate Reincarnation of Hitler...

How the hell did I not realize this earlier...?

After a moment's reflection, I said contemptuously, "I think I know who is harassing me in the courtyard last night." Quickly, Tenko removed her eyes off of the food and Stared at me. She was probably waiting for me to continue or tell her who it was so she can beat them up. " hey, aren't you going to tell me who it is? " She said in curiosity and filled with impatience. Should I tell her that I believe kokichi was the one harassing me last night? Most likely if I tell her she would probably beat the crap out of him but, he kinda deserves it. RIGHT? "It is just a hypothesis and I don't want you beating someone up because of my educated guess" Without saying anything, she wrapped her arms around me.

She hugged me...

Then she hugged me tighter...

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I barked as I struggle to escape her hug. I aggressively swing my arms up and down trying to escape her monsterous hug but, Her arms were too strong. It makes sense then she does a lot of exercising and other athletic stuff. "You're just so nice and cute, (__)-chan!" She chimed as she presses my body closer. I can feel all the oxygen in my lungs slowly fading away. Before I passed out of a lack of oxygen, I managed to squeeze out of her deadly hug. Quickly, I started sucking in air like a vacuum. I needed sweet air in my lungs so I can live. "I think I had enough social interactions for today. If you need me I'll be locked in my dorm room" I stood up quickly and then walked a little faster along the moss covered wall. As I was heading out of the dining room I heard the quiet tapping noise of my feet hitting against the floor as I walk. The noise sounded familiar to raindrops hitting the concrete sidewalk on a rainy day. "(__) how was your walk in the courtyard last night?"

That voice...

Without a doubt, it belongs to...

Kokichi Ouma...

Quickly, I whip my body around to face the purple haired boy. As usual, he had a mischievous look on his face. Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava. My eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. The unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing like I was fighting something back and loosing. "How the hell did you know I was in the courtyard!" I hissed As my hands curled into fists. "Let's just say your hypothesis was correct, kitty~" He smirked as he walked closer to me. He moved so swiftly and gracefully, it was like he was gliding across the floor.

The atmosphere was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. "I told you not to call me that stupid nickname," I yelled, getting into a fighting stance. I only took a few fighting lessons when I was a kid but, I know a few basic fighting moves. " calm down, I'm not here to fight you or 'harass' you. In fact, I was just about to head to the courtyard. See you later~" he said in a deep and sinister voice. I frowned and looks down at the ground before saying, " then why the hell are you here?" His lips moved up in a smile...No, more like a smirk if anything. True to his word he was slowly walking away but, nevertheless you kept your eyes trained on him. "I didn't even want to know," I said coldly and he chuckled. With that, he walked off and disappeared outside the door. I hadn't realized how fast my heart was beating until I was finally alone. I struggle to calm myself down, before walking towards my dorm room.    

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