Shot Through The Heart

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 After I finished putting together the crossbow, I prepared myself mentally and physically to confront the boy who's been bothering me and harassing me ever since I laid eyes on him. No matter how much I tried to calm myself down, I couldn't stop myself from shaking. My hands tremble and my eyes water as I stood there quietly. My body feels hot and sweat starts trickling down my neck. I gripped on to the crossbow tightly. With every minute that passed by, I can feel myself getting more anxious and terrified. Fear tortures my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps. Fear engulfs my conscience, knocking all other thoughts aside.

. My breath quickens as I hear the creaking of the door; It must have been kokichi. Before you properly entered the room, I swift but brief low kick causing him to move backward a bit. is he slightly moved backwards, I pointed the crossbow at him in an attempt to intimidate him. Slowly, I looked down at him with my dead eyes and stared at him directly. In the beginning he looks like a deer caught in headlights but, in a split second he managed to fix himself. Greeting me with his signature smirk, Kokichi purred, "Well then, this seems like an unexpected turn of events. So (__), what you plan on doing with that crossbow? Are you going to kill me?" Quietly, I shook my head back and forth implying that the answer was NO. Raising the crossbow just a little bit higher, I can send you to stare into his violet eyes. We stood there in silence for a few minutes until...








Turning both of our heads in unison, We both looked at the open shutters and what we saw there was very peculiar. standing before the two of us was a large Exisal, in the corner of my eye I noticed that kokichi looked caught off guard. He probably wasn't expecting one of his toys to interrupt our conflict.

Quickly, he tried to take out the remote control the exes all but, before he can do that maki Popped out of the cockpit like a Jack In The Box and shot he with her crossbow. With my own throbbing eyes, I watched as the arrow hit him right in the back. Getting her full body out of the Exisal, She quickly looked at me with her piercing eyes and asked, "(__), are you all right?" Unable to use my voice to respond, I quietly not in my head. I knew if I were to try to speak or say anything nothing would come out of my mouth except air, so is probably best for me to stay quiet. Slowly and intimidatingly, she quietly approached kokichi who was lying on the floor in pain. Without any emotion, she looks down at him and started to question him about his motives and why he kidnapped me. Obviously, kokichi responded with his usual lies...

"I don't're saying...but a-anyway...why are you... starting up the k-killing game..when is should've ended? Y-you already... know it's all meaningless and..Th-that I'm the you love killing that much?"

with rage in her eyes, she raised her crossbow again and pointed it directly at his heart. Before shooting the arrow she barked, "SHUT UP, YOU ASSHOLE!" By this point, she probably realize that it was pointless to continue the conversation. As she shot the final Arrow, I couldn't help but raise my hand in front of Kokichi to block the arrow. Even though he's a terrible person, I don't think he deserves to die. Sure, he does deserve a punishment for his actions but, I don't think anyone deserves death. As expected, the arrow pierced right through my arm oh, the pain was quick but I could still feel it after my flowing through my body.

Obviously shocked, Maki quickly dropped the crossbow and quickly ran in a different direction. She was probably going to get help or something along those lines. Before I could see what direction she was going in, The shutter quickly closed and left me and kokichi there in disbelief.




In a couple of minutes, I heard yelling coming from the bathroom that I was previously trapped in. "(__), can you hear me!? Quick! Drink this antidote!" Scream a panicked female voice. Quickly making my way over towards the bathroom, I noticed that it was once again Maki except she held an orange bottle in her hand presumed to be the antidote. before I was properly able to grab onto the antidote, kokichi immediately snatched it and drank it. In a panic, maki quickly left the scene and left me and him alone once again. My eyes drip with tears, I fell down to the floor and accepted that I was going to die. Quietly, I looked down at the ground and watch my tears fall like raindrops from the sky. Everything was completely hopeless until...












Looking up again, I noticed that kokichi Used an electrobomb for some Indescribable reason. After donating the bomb, he Crashing down to my level and shove the antidote bottle in my face. Surprisingly, there was still something left in it. kokichi gave me the antidote but, why did he do that? 

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