♠Chapter 1 part 2♠

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Ya second part! Let's go!!~ 

Time skip (1 year) ages 13 (well almost 13):

Kokichi Ouma's POV:

           A year has passed since I met y/n and it was the highlight of my life so far. My mother was exposed for abusing me by y/n and she was arrested; I got taken in by the police officers family (the officer who found me and arrested my mother) and I've been living a happy life with them. Y/n has been nothing but supportive and nice to me, she's just made my life so much easier. My 13th birthday is tomorrow and I can't wait, not for gifts or anything but, I'm pretty sure y/n is planning something for us to do and I'm really excited for it! I make my way over to my last class of the day with a skip in my step and a smile on my face.

         I  wake up to the sun peaking through my curtains. I groan at first but then jolt awake and out of bed when I remember it's my birthday! I quickly get ready for school and head out the door. I look around but don't see y/n, I get a bit panicky and start to get really nervous and sad, I look down at my feet and see a note. I pick it up and smile when I read that it's from y/n.

Dear Kokichi,

Happy birthday Kokichi! I'm really sorry I'm not here to walk with you but I have a surprise waiting for you at school. Don't go quickly to school! I might still be setting everything up! So take your time and I'll see you there!~

Signed: y/n~

    I happily fold the note and tuck it into my pocket as I speed walk to school.

(small timeskip)

        I arrive at school and speedily dodge people in the halls as I make my way to my locker. When I near my locker I see lot's of people gathered around it. I start to worry that someone graffitied it again but when I make my way through the crowd, I see a colourful sight. My lockers is coated in purple wrapping paper with a polka dotted pattern. "Happy birthday Kokichi" is written in black ink across it and pictures of y/n and me are tapped among the empty space. I let out a small laugh and open my locker, but instead of seeing my usual text books and binders I see a familiar face instead. "BOO!" Y/n yells. I let out a yelp and fall on my butt. The crowd laughs, but not at me, y/n giggles and pulls me back up as she steps out of my locker. I pull her into a hug and thank her. She lets out a tiny hum as she pulls away, and drags me off further into the school, after shutting and locking my locker. She pulls me all the way to our first class, pulls me in and walks to her seat. I look at her confused but she just gives me a close-eyed smile. I laugh and sit down next to her, smiling and chatting until class started. Even though I knew she was up to something today, she still managed to surprise me.

(Small time skip again ; ))

        Before our last class together ended, y/n told me to meet her in by her locker. So after my last class, I hurry over to my locker and put me things away. I go upstairs to the second floor and walk towards where y/n's locker is located. When I approach, I notice how pretty the sky is, the sky was tinted pink and the clouds were painted gold which casted a shimmering light across the hallway. I turn the corner and see y/n standing across the hall looking out the window, I start to walk towards her; she hears my footsteps, turns and walks over to me. We meet in the centre of the hallway, smiling at each other. Before I can say anything, y/n grasps my hands in her's. "I'm going to tell you something, but I need you to promise me that no matter what happens next, we'll still be friends." She says, looking at me desperately with big eyes. I just look at her shocked but nod. She lets out a breath, "I've known you for a while now and I've never gotten along with someone as well as you Kokichi. We have so much in common, we have basically the same personality and we're inseparable. You mean so much to me and I don't know who or where I'd be with out you..." She trails off looking at the ground. I just keeping staring her, mouth slightly agape. "I guess what I'm really trying to tell you is that..." She trails off again, then looks me directly in the eyes.

~♠My Little Dealer♠~ Kokichi Ouma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now