♠Chapter 7♠

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OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY I GOT DANGANRONPA V3 IRL AND I JUST CAN'T EVEN!!!! I'm a very happy child rn, anyhow, on to the next chapter!~

Your POV:

           After walking for about 15 minutes to the park, we entered through the gate and walked on the pathway lined in colourful flowers. The sun was shining bright, peeking through the trees, and a cool breeze swept across the park. The trees towered above and people sat amongst the benches and the lawn. Kokichi clutched my hand in his, swinging our arms back and forth (He does this overtime you hold hands). I held the basket as we scanned our eyes around, looking for his friends. I feel Kokichi repeated poke my shoulder; I turn my attention to him and he points to a bunch of teens huddle over a large blanket,under the shade of a tree, in the distance. We run over, avoiding other pedestrians and sprint up the hill to where they are sitting. Kokichi get's there first, due to having more energy in his small body, while I arrive behind him, panting, trying to catch my breath. The teens stare at us until Kokichi speaks, "Hey guys! Sorry we're a bit late, we made cookies and they had to chill a bit!" He laughs, scratching behind his head and giggling. I stand up properly, "Correction, I made cookies. You made a mess that I continuously had to clean up!" I smirk. Kokichi's laughter turns into giggles, "You got me there y/n!" He smiles at me and I return it. The others smile at his antics but look at me in semi confusion. Kokichi's eyes widen but then he smirks, "Oh ya!! You guys haven't properly met my girlfriend have you?~ Well, meet y/n and I should warn you," Kokichi starts, his expression goes dark and sinister, "If you so much hurt her in anyway, I'll make your lives a living hell. Nishishi!~" He finishes, laughing. I just mouth to them to ignore him. Kokichi notices this and playfully glares at me then turns back to the group, "Oh ya, y/n meet, Shuichi Saihara, Kaede Akamatsu, Tsumugi Shirogane, Rantaro Amami, Miu Iruma, Maki Harukawa, Korekiyo Shinguji, Kee-boy, Kaito Momota, Angie Yonaga, Himiko Yumeno, Tenko Chabashira, Kirumi Tojo, Gonta Gokuhara and Ryoma Hoshi! (inhale) Guys, meet y/n, my girlfriend!" He says losing his breath at one point, pointing to everyone when saying their names and the gesturing to me when introducing me to them. I give them a small smile and a polite wave, "Nice to meet you guys!" I say. Rantaro smiles, "Nice to meet you too y/n! How did someone like you ever agree to date someone Kokichi?" He jokes, causing the others to laugh while Kokichi just sulks in sadness. I laugh, "Well actually I confessed to him first, you should have seen his face, and then he asked me out and I agreed." I state. Kokichi blushed and the others either stared in shock or laughed at the fact that I confessed first. "W-wow I'd never thought someone would crush on him." Shuichi stutters, looking puzzled. I smile, "Well when I first met him, and to this date, we have so much in common it's actually scary we aren't related. We just hit it off and get along super well and then feeling developed like that." I say, shrugging at the end. Kokichi stands beside me and nods to confirm what I'm saying. He sits down cross legged on the blanket and I follow his lead. The others smile softly at Kokichi who is sitting proudly, with his chest puffed outwards like a proud parent. We spend time chatting together and getting to know each other. We talk about the other teens days out of the game; some have spent time with their family and friends and others did what ever they felt like. Kokichi tells them about us getting Shadow and that he's happy to be back home with me, which causes me to get flustered.

          After we chat for a bit, we start to open up, check out and eat everyones food that they've prepared. Kaede brought cake, Rantaro brought sandwiches, Tsumugi brought Bento boxes + rice, Kirumi brought tea and Shuichi brought salad (idk people). I brought out the cookies I made and Kokichi took out the Panta he bought. We all started eating away (you choose what you want) and Kokichi just ate the cookies, Panta and cake (he has a sweet tooth). We all had fun doing nothing but chatting, joking around and just regular teen stuff. Kaito pulled out his phone while Kaede connected it to a speaker and they played music. We played games like truth or dare (appropriate version) and Kokichi tried to start the "penis" game (you say penis quietly and get louder until no one wants to say it ; )) but he failed since the only person willing to play was Miu and Kokichi immediately won by screaming it, which caused people to stare very disappointedly at us. We all laughed it off and just had a fun day. Eventually it started to get kinda late but we stayed. I got pretty close with all the girls and the boys. I got everyones personal contact info and Kaede and Tsumugi said that all the girls should have a girls day. The boys got mad that we didn't invite them and retaliated by saying they would have a boys day without us but we didn't really care.

              After we all made plans to eventually all hangout again, and for the girls night to be next week, the sun went down and the park was closed so we all had to go home. Kokichi and I wave bye to the others and we all departed for our homes. Kokichi grabs my hand again while I hold the now empty basket in the other. "Hey y/n?" Kokichi asks, not making eye contact. "Ya?" I respond. "Do you really want to stop spending time with me?" He asks sniffling, sadness clear in his voice. I look at him surprised, "What are you talking about?" I ask, confused. "Well you really wanted to spend time with the girls and how you wanted to meet up with them all again and I just feel like you are getting tired of me and don't want to be with me anymor-" He rants, but I cut him off. "Kokichi, I just wanted to hangout with the people you've spent time with recently. I want to meet them and be friends with them, please don't think I don't want to be with you, you're my boyfriend, of course I want to spend time with you." I say, hugging him. He slowly hugs me back, tightly, and cuddles into my chest. I can tell he's tired since he's getting moody and making assumptions, so I pick him up and give him a piggy-back ride all the way home. He wraps his arms around my neck, hanging loosely off in front of me and rest his head on my shoulder. Little snores escape him as his whole body rises and falls with each breath. I smile, I have the cutest boyfriend.

          I open and silently close the door to house. I feel a tug on leg and see Shadow, pawing at my leg. I smile and walk to the kitchen with Shadow. I quietly place the basket down on the kitchen table, careful not to wake Kokichi up, and silently walk up stairs. I enter our bed room and gently place Kokichi onto the bed. He still lets out little snores but grabs onto the pillow, probably thinking that it's me. I quickly get ready for bed and join him under the covers. I remove the pillow from his grasp and feel him latch onto me. I cuddle him back and fall asleep with him by my side.

Woooo I hope you all enjoyed this chapter but I'm gonna go quickly to play DV3 ok bye!!!!~~~~~

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