♠Chapter 11♠

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Hey guys! Friday is my birthday, so I'm quite excited and busy, in advance I want to let you guys know it might be a bit before I update again... Any how, onto the next chapter!~ (Thanks Kotaowamina1 for requesting this on wattpad)

Your POV:

             I wake up feeling sore, naked and in pain. I'm confused until I remember last night, which causes me to immediately become flustered. Kokichis body is flushed against me, holding onto me tight. I smile, but start to shake him awake since we need to get ready for the carnival. He groans and pushes me away, but eventually sits up. He looks at me with a straight face then looks down at his cloth-less body. He turns red, probably from remembering last night, and tries to cover himself up with the blankets screaming, 'don't look at me'. I laugh and nearly fall off the bed, "C'mon we need to get ready for the carnival!" I say, playfully pushing him off the bed. He falls with a thud and slowly rises so I can see his hair and eyes poking over the bed, glaring at me. I back away and head towards the washroom with new clothes for today, as Kokichi starts to chase after me. I sprint into the washroom, laughing, and lock the door behind me. He pounds at the door and whines, saying 'your mean' or 'How could you do this to your precious boyfriend?' I just laugh him off and get ready for the day.

             I exit the bathroom and see Kokichi, wearing new clothes with unkept hair, sitting on the floor with crossed arms and legs, pouting and glaring at me. I just smile sheepishly at him, and head down stairs to feed Shadow and once again make breakfast. As I head down stairs, I hear him stomp into the restroom and close the door. I quickly say hello and feed Shadow, and then make us some simple, quick breakfast. Kokichi comes down stairs when I finish making it, and we eat up. We eat fast, then pack any necessary items for the day. (For example, a water bottle, money, sunglasses etc.) I choose something that I wouldn't get to hot in (your choice) since it's a hot, sunny day. Kokichi chooses to wear a white shirt with a breast pocket, black shorts with a checkered belt (duh), black runners and a checkered hat. He also put his hair in a small ponytail (photo for reference) which looks adorable. We wave goodbye to Shadow, head out the door, hop in our car and drive off to the fair.

          We pull into the parking lot, noticing all the big rollercoasters and rides peeking over the hill. "Y/n look! You can see the ferris-wheel from here!" Kokichi yells, enthusiastically, pointing out the window and pressing his face against the glass. I park and we go by our tickets along with ride passes and head in. Food, carnival games, booths and rides are everywhere. We quickly stop and get some ice-cream before heading on any rides. I get (fave flavour) ice cream while Kokichi gets grape ice cream (or something idk). We link hands and roam around looking at all the rides while licking away at our frozen treats (ok personally I have motion sickness, really badly, so I can't do rides but you, reader, will be regardless). We notice a petting zoo, for barn animals, and head in. We pet cows, horses, bunnies, pigs, we even watch chickens race (they're so funny, watch one).

         We walk around a bit more and notice a couple roller-coasters we want to go on, and get in line. "I'm kinda nervous..." I trail off, looking at Kokichi, who looks like he is about to explode with happiness. He scoffs in annoyance, "You'll be fine! Wanna know why?" He asks, not looking at me. I look at him confused, "Why?" I ask, he faces me, "Because you'll be with me!" He says, cheekily, pushing his two pointer fingers into his cheeks as he smiles at me widely. I can't hold back my smile at his adorableness, so I lean down and kiss his cheek. He turns red but then smiles a love-sick smile with half-lidded eyes. Eventually, we reach the front of the ride and get into the cart, listening to the usual rules. "All limbs inside the cart at all times blah blah blah-" The employee babbled on. Kokichi is just telling me pun after pun, almost making me laugh. (if you don't like puns fight me. pls don't I love u-) The ride starts with a jolt and sends us forward, hurtling over hills and drops on the ride. I'm screaming (or silent) the entire time while Kokichi is loving it, throwing his arms in the air and letting out "whoo hoo's" every time the ride drops or goes upside down.

         Eventually, we go on all the roller-coasters we want to and head off to go play some games. Kokichi is still pumped from the rides, pumping his fists in the air, running around and yelling "That was awesome!" He heads over to the dart games first and I give it a whirl. We're given 20 darts total and I take 10. I nail all/some/none of my darts while Kokichi, being awesome at games, nails all of his. We get a jumbo sized prize (your choice on what kind) and Kokichi insists on carrying it. He goes over and starts playing other "rigged" games. He then heads to the one where you throw a baseball/ball at pins to knock them over, and he wins. Then he goes over to another game where you shoot water into a clowns mouth (or something idk), and of course wins it. He wins so many prizes that he can't carry them in his little arms, or the bag we brought, so I had to go by a new one. I glare at him, for spending so much on games and prizes he won't care about, but he just whistles nervously and puts his arms behind his head while he heads over to the food stands.

        We head over to a little food stand (your choice on whatever food it is :)) and wait in line. I peak at my phone for the time and notice it's 3:00, the park closes at 12:00 pm so I put my phone away knowing it's all good. We get our late lunch, find a picnic table, place all our stuff down and chow down. All though the food is expensive, it's pretty good. We head over to watch some of the "shows" around the fair (like a magic show, acrobats or something). We go watch a show where a whole bunch of dogs go through hoops and do tricks, plus afterwards you get to pet them. We sit down and wait for the show to start. The two of us bounce in our seats, impatient to see the little balls of happiness. The show begins and the adorable dogs come running out and start running through their obstacle courses. The audience claps and whistles for the doggos. The show finishes as quickly as it began, and Kokichi and I quickly head over to pet and greet some of the puppies before we head to our last thing to do before we leave the fair.

          We get in line for the ferris-wheel at 6:00 (its getting dark now) and wait patiently for our turn. Kokichi holds my hand again, being the child he is, and starts to get impatient. He taps his foot repeatedly and puffs out his cheeks. "Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!!" He whines, hugging my arm, pressing his face against said arm. I sigh, "What?" I snap, playfully at him. He pouts at me with teary eyes, "Make the line go faster!" He complains. I deadpan, "I can't do that Kokichi, I'm not a god... Or satan." I state. He pouts even harder, "W-well then, use your super awesome famous powers to get us closer to the front!!" He orders, holding onto me, tighter. I just decide to ignore him and that seems to shut him up, until we reach the front of the line. "Y/n we finally made it!!" He yells, throwing his arms up. "Yup!" I respond, happy it's over. We get into our little cart as it slowly heads up further into the air. I look around at the moonlit scenery all around us and Kokichi follows my lead. The cart stops moving when we reach the top and I take a few photos for the memory. I feel some one staring at me and turn to see Kokichi staring at me, smiling like a love-sick puppy again. I smile and roll my eyes at him, which causes him to snap out of his trance. He sheepishly laughs it off and grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me towards him. "I've always wanted to do this, and now I can~" He smirks, with lust filled eyes. I smirk back, "Oh really?~" I tease, and pull him into a passionate, slow kiss. Our lips move in sync and our hands naturally find their place. Mine around his neck and his around my waist and lower back. We pull away as the cart starts to move back down to the ground. An employee opens our carts door and we step out. We head back to our car, pack all our things inside and drive off back home.

        "Can we stop at a drive-thru please??" Kokichi asks, with puppy dog eyes. I nod as we head to (fast food), order and get our dinner. We eat in the car, and on the way home, and pull into the drive way. Kokichi grabs the bags with prizes while I throw the garbage away and say hi to Shadow. Kokichi refills Shadows food and water then the two (dog and boyfriend) head upstairs with me for bed. Shadow lies down in his little bed, while us two humans put on pjs or just strip to boxers. (lookin' at you Ouma) I hop under the covers and Kokichi follows, I turn out the lights and cuddle with my boyfriend, falling asleep to his cute little breaths.

EYYYY I'M DONE! Hope y'all enjoyed, I'm tired. Sorry for mistakes and YA!~

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