♠Chapter 33♠

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Heyo my dudes and dudettes!!! How's it going? Anyway, this chapter will basically go straight into the wedding, the entire thing, literally in one chapter. Lord save my soul, lets begin!~ (HI THIS IS THE AUTHOR FROM THE FUTURE, I'M LITERALLY WRITING THIS CHAPTER ON CHRISTMAS EVE, SAVE MY SOUL I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER CAME OUT, ANYWAYS BYE-)

Your POV:

      AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Today's the day!!! It's been about a month since Kokichi proposed and now we're getting married!!! TODAY!!!

      I'm ecstatic and at the moment, Kokichi is already where the wedding will be taking place (I'm making it indoors and outdoors) which is in the beautiful, open and luxurious park where Kokichi, and I, had Panta for the first time! So it'll bring back many good yet old memories from previous dates we've had. Apparently, he's there with the boys to greet guest, fix any mistakes and to prepare himself for the wedding. Currently, I'm on my way there now, in a fancy limo~ My dress and any other things like makeup and hair supplies are already waiting for me.

(Your wedding will be at a little, but pretty, garden house in the park, and then after the ceremony is done, you'll go have a party on the lawn)

     I look out the window to see the green rolling hills surrounding our car as we pull into the parking lot closest to the building. We park and I quickly exit the car, nerves and excitement pushing me towards the tiny, adorable garden house. My eyes widen in amazement at the colourful-flower covered hut. Vines of lush ivy and flowers of all colours curl around and cover the building. It's magical. I quickly rush towards the double doors and throw them open. Upon looking inside, I see the rich coloured carpet, flowers (your favourite flowers) line the isle way and everything is bright and eye-catching. I notice the biggest, circular window I've ever seen, on the other side. It's so big, I can see the sun and the horizon from it. Right, the plan is that the sun will be setting during the reception. I spy a tiny, purple gremlin in his usual checkered outfit yelling at people about the placement of an out-of place vase. I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulders and cover his eyes.

     "Guess who?!~" I tease, in a deep voice to playfully through him off. Kokichi squirms under my grasp.

     "Huh!? It couldn't possibly be my bride to be since she has a WAY prettier voice!~" He smiles coyly. He removes my hands, turns around, still holding them and looks me in the eye. He gasps,

     "It IS my bride to be!?!? How could I possibly marry someone with such a terrible voice!?" He teases, smiling a toothy grin. I roll my eyes, "Jeez, calm yourself would you!? How are you?" I question, immediately leaning in, and pulling his hands closer to me, quickly pecking his lips. He lets out a happy hum, "I'm great actually, I'm about to go get ready but some people just can't get things right!!" He huffs, turning around with his hands on his hips, gesturing to the chaos of people hurrying around placing things. He sighs,

     "AND~ We aren't allowed to see the after ceremony being set up, the others want it to be a surprise... Whatever that means... It's our wedding, not theirs..." He frowns, clearly agitated. I giggle at his cute expression. "Here, how about you go get ready while I tell them what to do ok? That way you can relax a bit and let off steam!" I smile, encouragingly. He sighs but nods, he quickly kisses my cheek and then walks to a back room. I turn my attention over to some of the people working on the beautiful set up. Only now do I realize that some things haven't even appeared to have arrived yet. I internally groan,

This is gonna be a lot of work....

      KOKICHI WAS RIGHT THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY'RE DOING- They keep placing things in the wrong place, so my bridesmaids and I are simply doing it ourselves. I really overestimated what these movers and assistances can actually do. If for some reason singing doesn't work out, I could always do wedding organizers. This isn't that hard. Seriously, how hard can moving things that are already here be? Trick question, IT'S NOT HARD- I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Tenko taps my shoulder and tells me that the girls can't help me anymore. I wave them off and let them get whatever it is they're doing get done. Lucky for me though, things are relatively done, and the boys have just come back inside and started to help me. I'll remember to let them all get extra cake.

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