♠Chapter 10♠

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Hey guys! I had a great idea, you guys could send me scenarios for this story for you (the reader) and Kokichi to do! Things like dates, and stuff! I thought it would be fun, anyways, onto the next chapter!~

Your POV:

I wake up to the sun, trying to blind me again, I sit up and see all the other girls either sleeping soundly or quietly chatting to each other. Himiko and Tenko were talking when they noticed me, "Oh hey y/n, did we wake you up?" Tenno asks, nervous. I smile, "No you didn't, so it's ok!" I reassure them. They go back to chatting and I wait till everyone wakes up.

Kokichis POV:

I wake up to the blinding sun, I sit up groggily, pouting. I look over and see some of the others asleep still or on their phones. Some of the guys who are awake nod to me or give a silent hello. I just pull out my phone and fiddle with it until Shuichi wakes up.

Your POV:

Kaede finally woke up and we all head upstairs to eat the breakfast her mother has prepared for us. I quickly eat everything on my plate, get changed into normal clothes, say goodbye to everyone, and go to pick up Kokichi from Shuichis. I hop in my car, throw my bag in the backseat and drive over. When I reach Shuichis, I text Kokichi that I'm waiting for him, and then wait for him. He walks out on to the porch, yawning and then runs up to the car. I see Shuichi on the porch waving to us. We wave back as Kokichi gets in the front seat and also throws his bag in the back. I start to drive away, "So how was it?" I ask, genuinely curious. He smiles and looks at me, "It was fun but, it would have been better if you were there..." He trails off, "It got pretty lonely even though other people were there." He says, sadly. I smirk, "You're so needy!" I tease, this causes him to get flustered and angry. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'VE BEEN LIVING WITH YOU FOR SO LONG SO I'VE GOTTEN USED TO YOUR PRESENCE!!!" He yells, his cheeks puffed out and his arms crossed, looking away from me. I just smile and pull the car into our driveway. I'm about to exist the car when I get pulled back into it, "Oh no you don't! You owe me for being mean!" He pouts. I exit the car, quickly so he can't stop me, and grab our bags. He exits the car, "What do I owe you then?" I ask, raising an eye brow. He ponders for a moment then comes up with an idea. "You have to do anything I want for an entire day!" He says, smiling with his hands on his hips, smiling wide. I just shrug, "Sure, so any ideas?" I ask, smirking knowing he doesn't have any ideas. He looks surprised and then starts to scratch at his head for ideas. He lets out groans as he pulls at his hair trying to think of something. I laugh at his silliness and head inside with our things, he follows behind me and I close the door behind us. We greet Shadow, and I quickly refill his food and water bowls, then I go back to saying hi to our doggo. Kokichi is on the floor with him, while scratching his stomach. Shadow looked to be in heaven, rolling around on the floor, letting out little purrs and noises. I giggle and join in on petting the puppy.

After a bit of petting the doggo, Kokichi and I head up stairs and unpack our things from last night. I put away my sleep wear and put back my toiletries. When I walked back into our actual room, I got an idea. "Hey Kokichi?" I ask, looking over at him, who has literally thrown themselves over the couch. His legs are dangling off the back while his head hangs down in front towards the TV. "Ya?" I hear him say. "Well since you were in the game, we didn't get to celebrate your birthday so, how about we do that today!?" I ask, walking over to the couch. He quickly throws himself upwards and sits on the backing of the couch looking at me, "That's a great idea! I'm surprised a genius like myself didn't think of it first! Nishishi!~" He laughs. I smile, "Well then, what would you like to do?" I question. He looks around and then walks over to the bed, grabs one of the blankets and wraps it around himself. He smiles as he walks over to me again, "How about... A snuggle party!" He ask, like the little child he is. I couldn't resist the adorableness, so I agreed. He lets out a 'yay' and then proceeded to jump on me. I walked the both of us over to the couch, sat down and put on some 'background music' aka a movie with the volume turned down. Kokichi wraps the blanket around the two of us, I rest my head on a pillow behind me, while Kokichi lays on top of me, snuggling into my chest. I, as usual, play with his hair and calm him down. He nestles into the side of my neck and gently kiss it. I let out a hum of approval as he continues to give my neck butterfly kisses. I can tell Kokichi is getting needy since he starts to sneak a hand up the hem of my shirt. "Kokichi, I know I said I'll do what ever you want today, but if you want to do that today, lets do it later tonight ok?" I say. He looks up at me with sad but lustful eyes and nods. He lays back down, removes his hand from my shirt, and goes back to cuddling me again. I hug him close and allow him to gently hold onto me.

So sorry this is short but I have a plan for the next chapter ; ). Yes there will be smut in the next chapter due to a bet that I lost to against a friend. Anyhow, I was totally serious about the whole request a scenario for the reader and Kokichi to do and I'll probably write it in! Have a nice day/night!

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