♠Chapter 2♠

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Aw yes, into the actually plot development now bish! Here we go!!!! OFF TO NEVERLAND!!!~~~~ (I'm too tired) Also, do you like my drawing of our best boi? It looks better in person I promise!~ Anyhow!! ONWARDS TRUSTED STEED!!~~~~

Kokichi Ouma's POV:

         I remembered everything, the hugs, late night kisses and cuddles but most importantly; I remembered the love of my life and the person I want to spend eternity with. My eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. I smile wide like a kid on Christmas.


        I yell, happy tears pouring out of my eyes as I sprint to her and jump into her arms. (sorry if you aren't necessarily strong, but I have a vision and I'm sticking with it) She catches me, also crying happy tears, and holds me bridal style, a big smile on her face. I can't contain my excitement as I pull at her collar of her shirt, into a big, happy kiss. She kisses back immediately and we both can't stop smiling into it. Her lips move in sync with mine and I've never felt happier in my life, well except when she agreed to be my girlfriend but that's then. I hear the others gag or coo in the background along with the crowd angrily screeching or letting out aws; but I don't care, I'm just so happy to be with my queen again. We pull away for air, smiling and looking each other in the eyes. "I'm so happy to be back with you again." I say, pulling her closer and nuzzling her neck. She giggles and rests her cheek on my head, "Right back at you." I giggle, hop out of her arms onto the ground, wrap my arm around her waist and she rests her arm on my shoulder. I smile and look at my friends. "Jealous? I wouldn't be surprised, of course it only makes sense since I'm the best looking guy here! Also since my girlfriend is the most beautiful girl ever!~" I say, ending my sentence with a seductive look towards y/n but, she just smirks and waves me off. They all just stared in shock. "Uh um congratulations Kokichi, none of us really thought you'd be straight though..." Shuichi says, trailing off looking at the ground. Y/n starts laughing and I puff out my cheeks in annoyance, "How could any of you think that? Well, I guess I'm just so adorable, even men fall at my feet nishishi!~" I finish with a close eyed smile whilst sticking my tongue out. I grab y/n's hand and start to walk away from the group towards the crowd. She squeezes my hand and I do the same back. "Wh-where do you think you're going Kokichi?" Himiko asks, lowering her hat over her head. I look back with a neutral face. "Well, we're going to our house, silly!" I say smiling at the end, turning around, then swinging y/n and I's arms between us. She just laughs at my silliness. The crowd parts for us until there's no more crowd. We turn around a corner and out of sight of everyone. "I missed you so much, I just love you so much, it hurt to be away for so long." She says, smiling sadly. That surprised me, I looked at her, "How long were we gone?" I ask confused. She looks me in the eyes with a serious look.

"You were all gone about a year"

         I stopped walking and looked up at her. "H-how?? It felt long but not THAT long!" I say gesturing wildly with my arms. She sighs, looking to the side, "I guess if there was a 'bad' episode, they would erase your memories of the day and try again. So there were probably a lot of 'filler' episodes... Especially since there was a new episode every other week..." She says, looking at me sadly and slightly biting her lip. I look to the ground, eyes wide and body shaking a bit. She notices my shaken (ha ha shooketh) state and hugs me from behind. I just shake my head to get rid of the thoughts, grab her hand and start running off to the house. "KOKICHI!!" She yells, angrily. But I just laugh and continue running.

        We arrive at the decent sized house; I search my pockets and sweat drop when I realize I wouldn't even have the keys on me. Y/n just smirks and laughs at me quietly. I huff, "Just open the door, I wanna sleep in my own bed tonight!" She smiles and unlocked the door, snickering (your not yourself when you're hungry). We enter and it's exactly the way I remember it. I look to my right and see the living room; the long corner couch, the flat screen TV and even the coffee table in the middle of it all. I look to the left and see the dining room table and a doorway which leads to the kitchen. I run upstairs and run past the guest bedroom, an extra bathroom and directly to my room (master bedroom.. for good reasons ; )). I throw open the double doors and see everything in it's place. The bed off to the left, another TV off to the right with it's own couch and coffee table. Directly across from me, is a grand piano and behind it is a medium sized balcony. Ya that's right, Y/n and I share a room! (I kinda messed that up in the part 2 but.... I can't fix that now so whatever!!) I run over and jump onto the beds soft cover. I hear laughter from the doorway and look behind me to see y/n giggling while holding the door frame. "Ha ha very funny. It's not like I've been sleeping in a weird murder school for so long.." I say pouting. She smiles walks over to me and lies down next to me on her back, while I'm on my stomach. I smile grab her, her eyes widen as I pull her further onto the bed and get on top of her. I look at her and see her blushing a lot. I smirk, "I've been waiting to do this for a while now~" I say leaning in, closing my eyes.

Warning there will be a make-out session:

       I connect our lips and wrap my arms around her waist and the back of her head, while she puts her hands on my chest and back, pulling me closer to her. I lick her lips asking for entrance, but she refuses. I smirk and teasingly grope her chest. She smirks at me but still doesn't open. I pull away for air, groaning and pouting, then go back to kissing her. She closes her eyes and pulls me down so I'm practically touching her well everything ( ; )) I gasp and she takes the time to slip her tongue into my mouth. We fight for dominance and unfortunately for me, but also not, she gains the upper hand, exploring my mouth. We pull apart for air, panting, a string of saliva connecting us.


       I just lie down on top of her and rest, snuggling into her. She sighs happily and wraps her arms around me. I start to drift off as I feel her gently kiss my forehead and start to hum a pretty tune.

I have the best girlfriend in the world

​​​​​​​Yo I hope y'all enjoyed! This concludes chapter 2 and the next will come out soon!~

~♠My Little Dealer♠~ Kokichi Ouma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now