♠Chapter 22 part 2♠

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Hey doods, don't know when this will be posted but it will be eventually, I'm going through some bad (homework) times right now so hopefully I can find motivation to keep updating. ;-;

Warning: violence, depression (?), rape and maybe more

Your POV:

       Currently, I'm at the police station, trying to find any information on Ouma. The entire city is looking for him at this point, every inch of the city is being searched by police and even my own fans. They all want to bring my boyfriend home. I sit down on a chair in one of the hallways by the main chiefs office. He's the one who is sending officers to look for Kokichi, so I'm very thankful for him. I'm bundled up warmly, since it's been raining since he's been missing. I sigh, it's been 3 days, and there hasn't even been a sign to where he could be... I feel tears build in my eyes, why him? What has he done to deserve this, besides be a good boyfriend? I worry to myself, wondering if I'll ever see him again. I feel tears prick my eyes, I lean forward and press my palms into my eyes. I hear foot steps approach and I look up to see the chief standing in front of me. He looks down at my shaken form and smiles, "We haven't found him yet, but we had a proposition that you may like," He starts, I sit up and look at him with expectant eyes. "We could always ask that man who stabbed you if he has any ideas-" I cut him off, "YES PLEASE!" I beg, clutching onto him. He smiles and walks the two of us out of the building.

       We get to the prison, as I sit in the visiting room, I plan on how I'm going to ask about things. I probably shouldn't mention Kokichi or he might not tell me important info. I'll ask him why he stabbed me and ask if he's in a gang or something- I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I see the prison guards bring the criminal in. I thank them and grab the phone to communicate with him through. He glares yet smirks at me, "Why did you stab me?" I firmly ask, he chuckles darkly. "You lost me my job gorgeous~ My boss got mad that I lost the job, so I took it on my self to kill you! Or bring you back to head quarters, they'd be quite happy that I brought back a toy with me!~" He licks his lips. I glare at him, "Who is this boss of yours?" I question. He rolls his eyes at me, "Tch His name is Alex (change if your name), and he's our gangs boss, but just because I told you who he is, don't expect me to tell you where he is! Your boyfriend ain't here so that means they got him right?~" He purrs, leaning his forehead onto the glass. I lean back yet sigh, "Yes he is missing, that doesn't mean they took him though-" "Oh they definitely did, they're probably trying to get him to bust me out. If you get me out of here though miss, I'll bring you to them and you'll get your pretty boy back. Plus, we'll leave you alone for the rest of your lives! How's that?" He asks, I shake my head. "As desperate as I am, do you really think I'm stupid enough to accept that deal? I know you'd double cross me and even if you didn't, who's to say you won't go and hurt other people, I can't trust you-" He cuts me off and I glare at him. "I swear on my life, bring the police with us and we'll get him back ok?" At this my eyes widen, if he wants the police to come, there should be no way he would agree to do something like this. I raise an eye brow at his response, "Really, the police with us in the building and everything?" I question. He bites the inside of his cheek out of annoyance, "Yes miss, I promise." I nod, I take a second to think about it. "Alright,"

"I'll take your deal."

Kokichi's POV:

       Hours. I feel like I've been sitting here for hours (It's been 3 day honey-). I feel nauseous from loss of blood, violated from rape, and dirty from being tied up on the ground. I feel the blood, from the wound on my head, trickle down my chest, dying my pants and coating the floor. I just pray that those gangsters won't come back. I start to hyperventilate at the thought of what they'd do to me. Tears cascade down my cheeks as I sob into the darkness of this ware house. I hear a door open and my head shoots up in fear. I bite my quivering lips, and hot, salty tears run down my face. Green eyes walks up to me, "Hey there beautiful~ You look amazing since my mark is all over you~ I've brought some guests who want to watch us play together, so what do you think of that?~" He teases, smirking. My eyes widen, I shake my head, biting into the gag and praying he's lying. He laughs and motions for people to come into the large room. His gang and some other people who I don't recognize walk inside and stare at me. Some have clouded eyes with lust and some eyes are filled with humour and envy (for Alex/green eyes). Green eyes walk closer to me and I back away as far as I can against the pole. I crouch down into a ball, my forehead to the floor while I'm on my knees and I feel green eyes press his foot into my back. He laughs and then goes behind the pole. I feel my restraints come loose and I start to run. Green eyes most likely looks surprised as I sprint through the group of people. (keep in mid he's still shirtless-) The group makes sounds of surprise as I slip through their legs. I almost make it out of the ware house but the door slams shut. I stumble back and fall onto my butt (ha). My arms are still tied and ropes still hang untied on my ankles (they aren't attached yet though). I glare and hiss up at the goon who closed the door on my escape plan. The goon picks me up and takes me back to green eyes, who is standing above a mat now. Green eyes smirks at me, "I had a feeling you'd do that, you're so predictable Kokichi~" He teases. I glare at him and internally roll my eyes, You're so predictable, I knew you'd try to breathe- NO DUH I WOULD RUN! YOU STUPID FUC- "But, I have a special plan for today! Today, I'm going to truly take your virginity!~" He teases, my eyes (once again) widen.

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