♠Chapter 22 part 1♠

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Hey guys! I'm starting to write this at 10:43 where I live, so hopefully this will be a long chapter!! Anyways, I really wanted to thank everyone on Quotev and Wattpad for all the support, thank you for all the hearts, votes, comments and just love! I read and sometimes respond to all of your guy's messages and I love them all! Sorry for the long authors note- This was requested by KotaOwamina1 on Wattpad!~ I'm gonna make this super long if I can-

Prepare for sadness and possible triggers: Kidnapping, rape, torture and maybe more. Please beware

Your POV:

      I awake to the strong feeling of soft pillows, warmth and the smell of dog. I peek one eye open and see Kokichi's head resting on the same pillow as me, facing towards me as well; I'm also pushed up against his chest slightly. His legs are tangled with mine and his arms are around my waist while mine rest between us. Shadow has managed to cuddle up between our torsos. I ruffle Shadows soft fur and then kiss Kokichi's forehead. He yawns cutely and peaks an eye up at me, lightly stretching his arms. He wears a sleepy expression on his face as he buries his face into my chest, I entangle my fingers in his hair and kiss the top of his head. "Morning my dear~" I purr, against his ear. He shivers and kisses my collar bones, "Morning *yawn* sweet heart~" He yawns, clearly still tired. I squeal internally at his use of the pet name, since he's never called me that before. "What's with the 'sweet heart'? You've never called me that~" I purr again, kissing his ear and neck softly. He moans lightly, still wearing a sleepy expression, "I *quiet moan* just thought I'd *light moan* change things up~" He says quietly, still tired but moaning every time I kiss him. I kiss his collar bone and he whimpers, angling his head away, wanting me to keep going. I chuckle at how cute, needy and submissive he's being, but continue to pleasure his neck. His mouth quivers, his eyes half lidded as jagged breaths escape through his teeth. Along with deep throated moans making their way out of his throat. He clutches onto my shirt, as his legs dig into mine and my knee rubs his sensitive spot. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me, our bodies resting on each others. I kiss his cheek as Kokichi pants and leans into me. He groans, "Why'd you stop!~" He whines, pouting. I giggle at him and kiss bangs on his forehead, "Because if I keep going, it will most likely end in me banging you~" I smirk, he gets flustered and squints his eyes at me, "What if that's what I want to happen?~" He whines, hiding into the crook of my neck, hugging me around my neck. I hug him too and smile into him, "I know, but it's early you dummy- plus, we should do something outside today." I say, pulling away from him and getting up. He loudly whines and it causes Shadow to wake up. Shadow gets up and follows me to the closet as I start to get ready for the day. I hear Kokichi loudly whine again,


       I finish getting ready and I head downstairs with Shadow and make a quick breakfast for the two us. I feed Shadow then quickly make us some simple, yet delicious cereal. Kokichi comes down stairs wearing the same outfit he wore during his time in the game. We sit down and munch away at our choice of cereal. I chose (insert fav cereal here) while Kokichi went with lucky charms (he would though). When we finish, I start to put away our dishes. Kokichi runs up behinds me, and kisses the back of my neck, resting his head on my shoulder. "I wanna quickly run to the store and get something ok?!" He asks, hugging my waist. I nod, "Of course, thank you for asking me. But be careful since it's pretty dark out, and I don't want something bad happening to you like me." I say, looking at him worried. He grabs my chin, pulling me towards him and pecks me on the lips, "I'll be careful, and I'll be back before you know it!" He says, letting go of me and heading to the door after petting Shadow quickly. I put down the bowls and head to the front door with him. I quickly grab the hem of his shirt and pull him so he's looking at me. He smiles at me, I lean in and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms make their way to my waist as we share a sweet, love filled kiss. He pulls away, kisses the corner of my lips and heads out the door, "Bye my queen!!~ I love you~" He yells, waving at me while running down to the sidewalk. I wave back to him until he's out of view. I look up at the sky, frowning at the dark could rolling in from above, "Please be safe Kokichi." I whisper to no one.

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