♠Chapter 3♠

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Hey guys!!~ Hope you are all having an amazing day and a great year for that matter! Oh ya and I added more scenarios in part 2!~ ANYHOW, on to the next chapter~~~

Y/n's POV:

I wake up due to the blinding light, shining through my room. I try to sit up but feel that it's very hard to move. I look down and see Kokichi death gripping me. His arms were wrapped around my torso and his head was rested on my chest (boobs ; )). His expression on his face was calm, his eyelids delicately shut, mouth slightly open; soft breathes escaping his lips; I can't help but smile at his unintentional cuteness. I squirm my arms out of his grasp and slide out from under him. I hold his arms open and put a pillow in my place. He snuggles closer into it and I start to get jealous. Really y/n? We're jealous of a pillow now? I tear my eyes away from his sleeping form and exit my room, heading downstairs.

Kokichi Ouma's POV:

I wake up to the smell of waffles and bacon. I sniff the air again to confirm my theory and smile widely when I find it to be correct. I look down and realize that y/n has replaced herself with a pillow. I pout, So that's how she got away from me. I shoot out of bed and start to run downstairs, smiling and laughing.

Y/n's POV:

I'm just finishing up the bacon that I made and gently placed the strips next to the fluffy, Belgium waffles I made earlier (now I'm hungry). I smile knowing that this is Kokichi's favourite. I put down my pan in the sink, grab the plates and place them on the dinning room table. I dust off my hands, stand back and admire my work. The table has been set with a vase of flowers in the middle (your choice : )), purple placemats, cutlery, glasses of Panta (soda for breakfast???) and now, the delicious meal that I've prepared for the two of us. The waffles are covered in maple syrup (Canadian syrup is best fight me), lathered in butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar (so hungry now). I perk up when I hear alarmingly fast footsteps. I whirl around and see a purple blur jump me, I let out a squeak and wrap my arms around the person so the don't fall. My eyes meet amethyst orbs and Kokichi smirks at me. He stands in front of me and picks me up, laughing and smiling, and starts twirling around in a circle. (Like in those cliche movies) I laugh and grab his face, pulling him in for a kiss. His lips are chapped from sleeping with his mouth open last night but I don't care. He kisses me back and slowly puts me down, keeping his arms around my waist. We pull apart and he smiles widely at me, "Thanks for making breakfast but why did you leave me??" He says, pouting and giving me puppy eyes. I giggle, "Because I could hear your stomach growling and I couldn't stand your morning breath!" I say, smirking at him. He frowns and furrows his eyebrows, "LIAR!!" He yells, playfully and starts tickling me. We fall to the floor and I try to roll away out from under him, but he doesn't budge. I wheeze and try to speak between laughs, "K-KO-KICHI!! ST-STAP!!! PLZ!" I beg, laughing. (sorry if you ain't ticklish like me) He laughs his little "nishishi" and gets up, he holds his hand out for me to take. I take it and he pulls me up, and also pulls me into a quick kiss. He then bows and gestures to the table, "Shall we m'lady?~~" He says, smirking. I smile sweetly, "We shall~" I say, curtsying. We laugh and sit down at the table, across from each other. I look at Kokichi as he takes the first bite of his waffle; his eyes light up like a christmas tree and he starts to eat faster. I start to dig in and playfully chat with him in between bites.

After he finished breakfast, we decided to go out for the day. We both change out of the clothes we slept in and meet each other downstairs. I changed into (whatever you desire) I walk down stairs and see Kokichi facing away from me. He hears me approach and turns around smiling. He's wearing a white, collared shirt with a checkered pattern (photo minus the jacket, unless you wanna keep the jacket ; ) ), black jeans and black, laced combat boots that go to the middle of his shins. The part that almost caused me to have a nose bleed, is that his clothes are hugging his body so tightly, that you can see everything. I blush and he notices, "Oh~ Like what you see y/n?~" He says, seductively, winking at me. I hunch forward while holding the bridge of my nose, to stop me from getting a nose bleed, "Let's just go before you're never seen again~" I say, seductively back, jutting out my chest out forward, and my hips to one side. His eyes widen as blood streams out of his nose and he falls backwards onto the ground. I just stand there, jaw dropped then I start laughing.


We walk around downtown, looking for something interesting to do before I hear Kokichi gasp and run into a crowd; I frown and furrow my eyebrows in anger. Luckily (unfortunately), I'm tall (short) so I can (can't) see over the crowd, I sigh and start to maneuver through the crowd. I make it to the other side after apologizing to many people about bumping into them, and see Kokichi bouncing on the spot excitedly while looking around franticly. I walk up behind him, grab his shoulders and face him towards me. He looks happy at first but his smile turns into a scared smile as he sees how mad I am. "H-hey um sorry, y/n, for running off! I thought you were right behind m-" He stutters before I cut him off. "It's ok Kokichi, I was just worried. Anyways, what did you find?" I ask. His smile returns, "Well just the most amazing, best place in the entire city!!" He says, like an announcer at a sports game. He then steps to the side and opens his arms show-casing a cafe. "A cafe? Really Ouma? You said cafe's were boring to you since they never have Panta." I say, confused. He looks at me like I'm stupid, "Did you noT READ THE SIGN???" He says, his voice getting louder, causing people to stare at us; but at since we've been dating for so long, I'm used to it. I look at the sign and read "The purfect cat cafe". "OOOOOHHHH, it's a cat cafe, no wonder you wanted to go." I say, facing him. He's staring intensely at the cafe, pumping his fist up and down excitedly. "LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!~" He yells, grabbing my hand and running inside.

"I'm starting to regret this idea." Kokichi says, unenthusiastically. I stop sipping my f/d (favourite drink) and look up to see a cat rubbing it's butt on Kokichi's face as Kokichi stares at me with a unimpressed faced. I double over laughing earning weird looks from the other customers. He sighs and gently pulls the cat off his face and puts it on the ground; it runs off to another table. "Such a shame, you love cats~" I tease. "Ha ha y/n! I don't need you to tell me something that I already know." He says, then starts eating his pastry that he ordered. I smile and start to pet the white cat that's resting in my lap. Then I have an epiphany (a stroke of brilliance for those who don't know). "Hey why don't we get a pet? It can be anything you want!" I say, looking back up at him, still petting the cat. He drops his pastry, leans over the table, grabs the collar of my shirt, forcing me closer to him and stares into my eyes. The cat leaves my lap and other people are staring at us even more now. "Are you serious???" He says, hopefully. "Of course!" I smile. He lets go of me and sits back down, crossing his arms and looking down sadly. "But pets are a lot of work and I don't want to force you to buy me something." He says, full of despair (TRIGGERED). I smile again, "I know pets are a lot of work but think about how much fun it would be! Also, consider it a 'welcome back to society' gift!" I say, giggling at the end. He shoots upwards and slams his hands on the table, sending silverware flying and every customer to stare at us. "Then you know exactly which pet I want most!!!" He says, stars in his eyes. I shake my head and playfully smile at him. "Yup!" I start, picking up and taking a sip of my drink, letting out a content sigh before placing it down.

"We're getting a puppy."

Yup!! You guys are getting a doggo!!! I'm making Kokichi an animal lover and his favourite animal (that's a pet) is a puppy!!! See you next chapter!~

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