♠Chapter 18♠

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Hey doods! This will be short, I'm sorry, requested by Kiara-he-almighty on wattpad, but at the beach instead of a pool party- ALSO PPL PLZ REQUEST SCENARIOS FOR THIS STORY, I'LL GIVE YOU CREDIT!-

Your POV:

       It's been awhile since I tried to teach Kokichi to drive, emphasis on tried. But now, my wound has healed (yay) and now I can live my life the way I did before! Anyways, Kokichi planned for the two of us, and his group of friends from DR53, to go to the beach! I packed a bag for the two of us, it's filled with sunscreen, sunglasses, towels and other needed items for our trip; I also am holding an inflatable tube. I'm currently wearing my swimsuit (your choice) under my loose t-shirt and shorts. I have flip flops/sandals on my feet as I wait for Kokichi to finish changing. I hear running from upstairs and look up to see Kokichi, sliding down the stairs railing. He slides across the floor and stops beside me, he's wearing (you know his mc Donald looking boxers? like that but swim trunks) and flip flops/sandals as well; he's also shirtless. I hand him sun glasses as we get in the car and drive off towards the beach.

Time Skip

        I pull into an open parking spot as Kokichi runs out of the car, holding the inflatable tube, cheering, very excited for the day. It is quite nice out, the sun is out and there's a slight breeze. I grab the bag from the back seat, grab chairs and an umbrella from the trunk and lock the car, heading in the direction Kokichi ran in. I catch up with him and look down at the beautiful, surprisingly not busy, beach. The blue water shimmers under the sun light and the golden sand stretches out far beyond eyes view. Kokichi lets out a whoop and of excitement and tries to run off, but I stop him. "Can you at least carry the chairs, or umbrella?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow at his antics. He sighs and pouts, "Fine." He grabs the chairs and heads off, finding a place on the beach for us. I head down after him and notice that he's where his friends are. I walk over and put down our things when I get there. "Hey guys! Long time no see!" I say, shielding my eyes from the sun. They turn to me and clearly look concerned. "Hey, we all heard about what happened to you, are you sure it's ok for you to be here?-" Rantaro was cut off, "What do you mean 'is it ok for her to be here?' OF COURSE IT ISN'T. But we should REALLY be asking is, are you ok?!?" Tenko asks, really worried looking. I smile, thankful for their concern. "Yes, I'm ok and I can be here Rantaro, I've been given the clear." I say, giving a thumbs up. Kokichi crosses his arms and nods. The others concern and fear melts into relief. "So lets have fun!" Angie says, throwing her arms in the air. The others run to play, volley ball, or in the ocean, while some just read or chill on the beach. Kokichi hands me the chairs and I set them up along with the umbrella. I place down my bag and take off my shorts and shirt. I turn around and see Kokichi cherry red, I smile at him, steal his sunglasses and run off to the ocean. "Hey!" I hear him yell and chase after me. I step into the water and run out further into the deep end until I'm hips deep. I hold his sunglasses, dangling just above the water. He looks at me with a scared expression and then it quickly changes into a smirk and the next thing I know, he lunges at me. His body collides with mine and we go tumbling into the water. While under water, Kokichi steals his sunglasses back, (your eyes are open under water even though it burns) and he swims towards me. I lean back but he grabs my back and collides are lips together. As quick as he came, he pulled away, smirked and rose to the surface. I blush and rise to the surface, when I surface, I glare daggers at Kokichi. He laughs his "Nishishi" and swims back to shore. I roll my eyes and follow him to the beach volley ball court.

         Gonta, keebo, Tenko and Ryoma on one side and Shuichi, Kaede, Himiko and Kaito on the other. Kokichi joined Keebos team while I joined Kaitos team. So far the score was 10-5 so Keebos team was winning. Kaito kept yelling out encouraging words while spiking the ball over, only to be caught by Tenko who sent it to Gonta who spiked it. No body even tried to stop the ball, don't even bother if it's with Gonta. Our team kept losing points and what made things 50 times harder was that they had powerful, tall players and short, quick players; while we only had not trying players. I sigh knowing there's no point if Kokichi is on their team, since he is super quick and good at volley ball. Kaito spikes away from Tenko and before anyone on Keebos team can react, Kokichi slides under Gonta and hits the ball up to Tenko, who spikes it down on Shuichi who dodged the ball; which was probably the best choice. The game ended with a very one sided game and I decided to rest under the shade of the umbrella we brought. I sit down in my chair, giving my skin a break from the sun, and pull out my book (your choice). I get a couple pages in when I notice Rantaro out of the corner of my eye, checking out my book. I giggle and he flinches, and goes back to what he was doing. "If you want to read my book, you can just ask!" I tease, laughing at his adorable antics. He flushes with embarrassment and scratches the back of his neck, "Sorry, it would be wrong of me to barrow your book." He says, looking away bashfully. "Why?" I ask, genuinely confused. He looks at me a bit shocked and confused, "Well you're dating Kokichi so, I don't want to seem like I'm hitting on you..." He trails off, clearly embarrassed. I smile at him, "It's all good, here," I hand him my book, after putting bookmark in it. We laugh together at our stupidness, and I explain to him about the basics of whats happening.

Kokichis POV:

        I sit in the sand next to a sand castle, which is more like a palace, that Angie and Himiko made together with some help from Miu. I hear laughter and turn to look at the chairs, I start on the left and make my way down to the right. Korekiyo, Maki, Tsumugi, Rantaro and y/n- Wait- RANTARO AND Y/N!?!? I look at them and see Rantaro blushing and looking at y/ns hands (he's looking at your book) while y/n laughs. I grit my teeth and growl, Why is she laughing? What did he say? WHY IS SHE CHEATING ON ME!?!?- "If you want to read my book, you can just ask!" y/n says, looking at Rantaro with humour in her eyes. I feel my body relax a little bit, at least they aren't flirting. Then y/n hands Rantaro her book, leans over and stARTS POINTING AND TELLING HIM THINGS ABOUT IT. I sit, fuming about how close they are together; if y/n were any closer, she'd be touching him. Rantaro sits there calmly listening to y/n while she rambles on about the book. I stand up and hastily make my way over to them. I stand in front of y/n, hands on my hips and a scowl on my face, waiting for her to notice me. Rantaro notices me first, while y/n rambles on about her book, he smiles nervously at me and nudges y/n. She looks at him then up at me, her eyes widen and then she smiles. "Hey babe, what's up? I'm just showing and explaining my book to Rantaro-" I cut her off, "Why are you cheating on me?!?" I state, growling. She looks at me confused and then she looks scared, "What no- I don't like Rantaro like that, no offence, but I love you. I'm not cheating on you and I'm not trying to, he wanted to read my book. That's all that happened, honest." She finishes, looking at me pleadingly. I sigh, since I didn't find any lies in her little speech. Which means I over reacted, I pout, "Sorry I guess I overreacted again, sorry Rantaro, I just get jealous easily and assume things..." I trail off, rubbing my arm. He shakes his head, "It's all good Kokichi, I get it, and beside I actually really appreciate that you care. If one of my sister had a boyfriend like you I'd be thankful, knowing they'd be safe from pervs!" He jokes, laughing and giving me a closed eyed smile. I smile back and blush, y/n giggles and I sit down next to her, deciding to take a nap.

Your POV:

        After our wonderful beach today together, everyone went home for dinner. Kokichi and I packed up our things and headed home. We enter the house and put our beach things away in the garage. I feed Shadow and take him outside to do his business, get changed into pjs and then make a quick dinner for Kokichi and I. I make (dinner choice) and set it on the table and call Kokichi. He comes sprinting into the room and sits down. I notice he's changed out of his swim trunks and into his night time boxers. We eat quickly and head upstairs for 'movie night in bed'. Kokichi gets in bed and I join him under the covers. I turn on the TV and put on (fav movie), "Ooh! I like this movie!" Kokichi says, smiling giddily. I shake my head at his nonsense and watch the movie. Shadow jumps up onto the bed and rests at our feet. Near the end of the movie, I notice that Kokichi is passed out with his mouth open and drool running down his chin. I giggle at his tired form and shut off the movie. I get comfy under the blankets and turn off the lights. I snuggle into Kokichis body and enter dream land.

Hey guys, sorry this is short, please request scenarios between you and Kokichi, anyways have a good day/night!

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