♠Chapter 12♠

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Hey guys! In this chapter, it's goes through a bit of a time skip. Anyhow, this scenario was requested by KotaOwamina1 on Wattpad, so ya lets go!

Your POV:

       It's been a while since Kokichi and I went to the amusement park, due to the fact that I had an amazing idea for an album and I just had to write it! I've been writing and composing a whole bunch of new songs for this album that has a lot of different genres of music in it, so everyone can like it! I'm releasing it today and if it does well, I'll do a show close by to where we live.


       I've released the entire album yesterday and it's a huge hit!! So many people have been commenting how much they love it and that they've been buying it. So I released that I would be doing a one-time show around where we (you and Kokichi) live. I haven't told Kokichi yet about the pop up show so I hope he doesn't get to mad at me.

        I walk outside into the backyard and sit on the porch as I watch Kokichi play with Shadow. I smile warmly at the two goofballs running around on the grass, laughing and barking. Kokichi is playing fetch with Shadow but also being chased by the husky who so desperately wants his toy back from Kokichis hands. Kokichi notices me, stops running and waves, I wave back and motion for him to come over. He bounces over and sits down next to me on the step, Shadow sitting right beside him. Actually, now that I notice it, Shadow is almost as tall (and big) as Kokichi when they both sit next to each other. I push away that thought and focus on what I want to talk about. "Hey Kokichi, do you remember that I released my new album?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck. Wow I'm really picking up on his habits. He looks at me, a bit confused, "Ya why? Did something bad happen? WAS SOMEONE MEAN 'CAUSE I'LL BEAT THEM!" He finishes, getting loud and red faced with anger. Shadow beside him starting growling. I laugh, "No but um, I kinda promised my fans that, if the album does really well, I'd do a pop up show around here for it as celebration; and due to the fact that it did REALLY well, I'm gonna do a pop up show. I just wanted to make sure that would be ok with you, because it will take awhile to prepare for, and I'll have to be where the stage is being set up for making sure everything is right, and for choreography, and for planning my songs and stuff. Soo.... is that ok with you?" I ramble but question him, nervous he'll be mad. He sits there, straight faced but slowly starts to giggle and then evolves into full on laughter. I stare confused as he rolls on the grass in tears and laughter. "I-I-I c-can't b-BREATHE!!" He cries and wheezes, unable to stop laughing. Eventually, his laughing fit ends and he lies on the ground, still trying to catch his breath. I sit on the stairs, still watching him, waiting for an answer. "Of course you can, you idiot! As long as I can come with of course!~" He teases. I smile and join him on the grass, lying down beside him, looking at the sky. We spent a bit of time playfully talking and looking at the clouds rolling by.

        After a bit of cloud gazing, I jump up and excuse my self to go make a phone call with my manager about the pop up concert. Kokichi wishes me luck and waves bye, as I head back inside to make that very important phone call.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry this is super short, but I'm really busy. My birthday just happened and I got a new phone so that needs to be dealt with, and I need to mental prepare myself for school etc. So I'll try to make the next chapter longer! Bye guys, have a nice day!~

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