♠Chapter 31♠

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Your POV


I have absolutely no idea what Ouma is planning.

    I've been asking for the past week, 'why have you been sneaking off and coming back late at night?' and 'whY dO yOu KeEp AVoIDInG ThE QUeSTiON YOu DUmB FUC-'


      My questioning period has now come to an end. I've completely given up. I've figured, if it's important he'll tell me, and if not then there's no need in worrying. Besides- he's probably out with some new friends or the ones from the game and he deserves to spend some time without me. My one fear though is.....

If he is with another girl.

      Because if he is, I might never be the same person again. If he IS cheating on me, I'll kill him....


And slowly.

       The only reason I worry that he might be with another girl is because since the first time he disappeared, he has seemed to become uninterested in me. He hasn't really talked to me all that much. If he sees me, he'll immediately walk away and he isn't clingy, cuddly or anything anymore. He even moves away from me when we sleep. I don't know what he's planning, but whatever he's doing makes my nerves go haywire.

       I twiddle my thumbs as I stare out the window, waiting for his tiny form to walk up the driveway after whatever it is he was doing. I lean my forehead against the glass, at least hoping he'll come home safe and happy. I bolt up in my seat when I see his purple hair bouncing with every skip he takes, he swings a plastic shopping bag in his hands that seemed filled with some unknown item. He hops up the steps, a big smile playing on his lips as he twists the doorknob open. He enters the house, locks the door behind him then looks to the kitchen and then to living room. He spots me looking at him and looks taken aback. He starts to sweat and then books it up stairs with his bag. I chase after him up the stairs,

        "KOKICHI OUMA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" I yell, he yells back "NO WHERE!" while running into a spare room and locking the door behind him. I twist the doorknob, desperately trying to get in. I glare at the door, hoping he feels my killer gaze from the other side, "WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING ME WHERE YOU'VE BEEN THIS PAST WEEK!??!" I yell, infuriated with him but also anxious because I really hope he isn't cheating on me.

        "THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!" He cheerfully says from the other side of the door. I exhale hot air out of my nose in rage, "I have every right to know!" I seethe, trying not to show him I'm mad. He lets out a little noise and then I step back when he opens the door, peering at me with big sad eyes. "Are-are you mad at m-me?" He stutters, looking like he's going to cry. My eyes widen, Wasn't expecting that reaction....

         I sigh and place my hands on my hips, "Look Ouma, I'm mad at the fact that you've been gone for days, haven't told me why or where, and you won't even acknowledge my existence now. You even maneuver around the house to avoid me now! It really hurts me you know?! I just want to know why the person I care about the most won't even look at me anymore?!" I cry, tears starting to escape my eyes out of anger. I can't even see his reaction as I sink to the floor, my head in my hands wiping away my cascading tears.

~♠My Little Dealer♠~ Kokichi Ouma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now