Chapter Thirteen

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I remembered my words (I will never leave the persons I love no matter what the circumstances is)as I was on the ease to drive off I sigh and reloaded my gun ."I'm going to die with my dad",I whispered and ran back to the store kicking the door open .I walked around slowly with my gun in my hand looking for my dad ,suddenly the gun fired came to silence .My mind flashed back on my dad where is he, I walked around to see men laying dead on the floor blood running all over .He's really good I thought to myself as I slowly bend a corner my heart pumps faster at the sight ,I stepped backed and take a deep breath in ,they got my dad .I noticed he was trying to reload his gun but he wasn't fast enough ,a gun was pointed to his head.

"Ekk ekk....Not swift this time Junior ",.

" Screw you Damian!", he huffed.

I heard laugher "Screw me .....when I'm going to be the one blowing your bloody brains all over this place.........and the one that's going to screw your wife and daughter.....I hope Justin is there to see then I will slice his throat open like a piece of cake and feed it to my dogs",.

Those words touch the screw in my head and  I bend the corner angrily hitting two men facing me ,Damian was facing my dad's back and as he was on the ease to turn around ,my anger increase and one shot to his head" Nobody will hurt my family ",I whisper gritting down onto my teeth's.My dad stood up in a relief and hugged me " Son ",." Let's go dad",.I pulled his hands and we ran towards the door as he pushed the door open two shots was fired . I fell to the ground as a shot hit me in the foot then into my chest .I gasp for breath "Justin !!!......Justin!!...", my dad yelled shaking my body .I looked up at him and squeezes his hand as he fired back a shot and hits the man that hit me.

" Son please stay with me ",. 

That was the last words I heard then every thing went black when I took my last breath.

Junior POV

Looking down on my son body seeing blood all over him like crazy.When he took his last breathe and his hand released from mine and fell to the ground tears fell from my eyes." Justin !!!...Justin!!.. Stay with me son!! ",.
I took off my leather belt and tie it tightly around his foot .I lift his body up and lay it in the back of the car .I saw the remaining men approaching and I hurried into the driver's seat and speed off,shot was fired at the car hitting the back glass as it shatters " Shit",.

I drove up to the nearest hospital "I need assistant here" ,. I shouted .Nurses run to my attention and I placed his body on a stretcher where they run off with him .I was very well known and the person I am everyone knows expect my little cutie .I was very dangerous so most people feared me .

I sit down with my head in my hands . I told him to leave and he didn't but if he did I would be dead right now ,I thought to myself .Pssh and now he's hurt .
Its been a hour now and I can't see one bloody nurse ,I got up and walk to the front desk "Way to my son" the nurse pointed to the left "Surgery room",.

I walk into the room pushing the door harshly" How is he !!",.
I heard buzzing and beaping sounds .I saw his body there laying stiff his shirt torn open and two bullets in a container to the side "1,2,3", the nurse said as she jerk his chest with a machine." Again ", but nothing happened " Miss Catherine just call ...its the third time now", another doc said to the nurse taking care of my son.

As I was going to let out my anger in the room ,Miss Brown yelled "Don't tell me to call it!!" Does she know my son? "Justin please don't do this to me ....please don't leave me !!", she continued as she jerk his chest again.I see there's no hope left so I turned my back to walk out ,I could not cry but I wanted to kill I want to kill Kirk.His men took my one and only son from me and I'm going to take his family and his life .

" Justin!!!!!", I heard Miss Brown cried out with fear in her voice again .I walked out the hospital angrily and drove off straight to Rick's house .

I fling the bag of cash in his face and headed him with the back of my gun and he fell to the ground.

"You know this was bloody going to happen right ", I said squeezing his throat with my Tims .His men raised their gun at me and I glared at them like a tiger ready to kill "Remember who I am", I informed them and they lower their gun in shame .

" Daddy moms needs you ",his little girl ran inside the office saying as she looked at her daddy under my foot.

" Uncle junior why are you hurting dad ",I sigh and removed my foot from his neck,she do not need to see this she's just a four year old baby.

" You don't remember who your bloody playing with junior!! ",Ricky said pulling a gun to my head after getting up .

" Pa",."Go to your mom Katelyn!!",",You don't think of your family before you come to my bloody house and disrespect me huh junior!!", .

I grabbed my gun from behind my waist and pressed it against his head tears forming in my eyes "Someone need to bloody die Rick son is dead ", I said raising my voice .He looks at me surprised "What? ", he said and lower his gun after I did so with mines.

" Someone needs to die and I'm going for him ......I'm going for kirk and I'm going to bloody kill all of them from big to small and I'm not going to have no mercy.....they mess with the wrong member of this shit",I laughed.

"Junior you need a plan alone can't do this ",.

" I don't need no bloody plan than to kill that bastard",.

"Remember Damian ......He's always on you heel and he won't let you succeeded",.

I laughed " C'mon Damian is son killed him with pleasure ",.

"What? !!",Ricky exclaimed in surprised.

"You know this mean war Junior ','They are going to hit back "he continued.

"I know but his men killed my one  son", .

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