Chapter Forty Eight

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I smiled when I saw the keys hanging off the table where we were standing and gripped them in my palm to head back outside.

Reaching near the door I heard shots firing and people screaming and my mind split back to my dad .
Running through the door everyone outside was forcing to get inside and  I glance a black car near my dad's .I pull my gun out and before I could do anything it drove off in speed.

"Shit! No ! No! Dad", I spits out running towards the car.

My heart started to beat heavily when I saw the sight of his body .He was gasping for breath.

I yank the door the open and hold his body up .

"C'mon dad please don't leave me ", I cried. First in a while tears flow down my muscular face.

His body was bleeding all over and I try to stop the bleeding but it was use less.
I pushed his body over to the passenger seat ,blood was all soaked in the fabric . I started the car and with speed I fled off.

"Hold on dad" I said biting onto my lip trying to push away the tears that's running down my face.
I can't believe this is actually happening.
I can't lose you too dad .I need you .Cutie of all needs you . She's going to break .
"Help I need assistance here!", I yell at the top of my lungs in anger .

Nurses and doctors rush to me as they rush my father to the surgery room .

"Mr Clayton .What happened. Is that Kevin ", one of the doctors ask. My dad is well known around these areas .

"Are you bloody blind ?.Can't you see my dad is bloody bleeding out. ",.I rage in anger.

I try to control myself walking away from the doctor and leans my back against a wall.

I really can't believe this is happening right now .Why didn't he be the one that went for the keys and not me.

They shoted my father and I couldn't do anything. Kirk and his men shot my father and I wasn't there to defend him .

It's all my fault .What am I going to tell my little sister . I think staring at the ceiling .

"Justin " a doctor called walking over to me and I look towards  his direction.

"How is he ". I asked him.

"Justin am sorry but your dad didn't make it and he couldn't have made it ",he told me.

"Bloody hell", I yelled out .I can't hold back this anger any more .


Tijani POV

I so want to get this over with . I thought to myself as I slam cutie's back against the wall  kissing her soft lips like there's no tomorrow.

I pull away from her gaining back my breath and look into her eyes .

Don't do this you cannot lose her .My mind told me and I pushed it away breaking eye contact with her running my hand slowly up her tight . She flinch and holds on to my hand .

"Come on babe ", I whispered in her ears and she let go of my hand .

I scoop her up into my hands her feet around my waist and walks toward the bed with her .My body hover over her's and I kiss her neck softly causing a mourn to escape her lips.

As I was on the aim to lift her dress up her phone went off.
"Please do not answer it ", I breathed out in her ear and she nods.

I continue kissing her neck while her phone keeps on ringing.

"Please turn it off ", I told her and she sits up taking out the phone.

"I have to take it ", she told me and my blood boils .I just want to get this over with.

"Hello ",she answer the phone .

"What !",she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

It already happened. Those tears indicate me and a smile paste across my face in my mind .

"I have to go ", she told me.

"What's wrong ",I asked.


"Then please do not go ", I told her holding onto her hand looking into her eyes.

Her eyes flash different colours and she yank her hand away from mine and walk through the door .

  I have never seen that part of her.


Cutie's POV

No I can't believe this is happening .I thought to myself sending the car at full speed. He can't be dead .I can't lose him.

I park the car in the parking lot and run into the hospital. I did not have the patience to speak to anyone right now so I ran until I see Rick and everyone on the straight.

I breathed out ,my head feeling dizzy. I can't believe this is happening.

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