Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

My body is not like a normal human being's.

For example, regular people need food and, most importantly, water to keep living, and their digestive track takes care of the rest, converting things into energy, which can be stored inside them for a long time through fats, things like that. An average person can go without food for up to nearly three weeks before they finally starve to death. If there's no water, that time is shortened to about a week, tops, and if there's only water, its roughly the same time span.

I, on the other hand, can only go without blood for three days before I collapse.

I'd come to the conclusion years ago that I actually had no metabolism. I never gained weight, or even lost it, which meant I was perpetually the same as I'd been back in the day. I didn't fully know what the dynamics of it were, considering that I still had a pulse, still used the bathroom, still got sick, got bruised, and bled like people are supposed to.

But food, as I've said, makes me violently ill.

Water makes me just as nauseous.

My aging process is non-existent, so my body has to digest blood in a different way. You might be wondering why I'm explaining all this, so let me get to the point.

I didn't fall asleep like I'd hoped I would.

Instead, I lay there on the mattress for hours, and hours, and hours, losing my sanity to the misery of the thirst, and by the time I finally passed out I had no doubt I would have gone into a frenzy and attacked the first person I saw if someone had opened the door to my cell.

I don't remember losing consciousness, of course, because we've already established that nobody really can. What I do remember is that one second I was lying in the darkness wanting to claw my own throat out, the next I was spiraling out of that sickening and dizzying mental state you fall into whenever you pass out and someone rouses you before your body can handle it.

My lips were dry and cracked and the agony of my own stinging flesh made me want to die.

It felt like the back of my head was being skinned, the pain there was blinding.

A similar pain was tearing the small of my back to shreds.

"I said get up."

The command was spoken lowly, gravelly, a voice I recognized but could barely hear over the ringing in my ears. Sebastian. He was in the room. I tried to respond, but my mouth wouldn't work, my tongue was glued to the roof of it and I didn't have enough energy to move my jaw.

The skinning sensation suddenly imploded and I almost blacked out.

I whimpered voicelessly, and the sensation dimmed, allowing me to breathe again.

"Listen, Vampire," he grunted, a little more gently. "At least try to open your eyes."

The air was warm and dark, misting in my face like cotton made into vapor, and when my eyes cracked open with a nearly audible creak I cringed. I couldn't see anything, at first. Breath rattled through my throat, stinging it, and I coughed, jerking as the sensation shocked me.

Stars exploded behind my eyes, brilliantly.

Then, they faded, and I was slowly able to make out two glowing yellow eyes looming right in front of my own. The color in them was entrancing, and I lost myself in the vibrancy, numbly looking into the center of the pinprick pupils that rippled and shifted in size.

I saw the rest of his face slowly loom out of the gloom not long after that, his hooked nose and curly brown hair, furrowed black brows, and that clenched jaw, grinding with irritation.

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