Chapter 49

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Chapter Forty Nine

Woody's loft was more like a clubhouse for teens than, you know, a loft.

I was a little awed by the furniture and overall decorative aesthetic since the entire floor reminded me of something from the late seventies. He had a miniature living room with a long, ridiculously soft couch and a coffee table, complete with a huge eighty inch flat screen television that had been set up in the only place available, the lowest part of the triangular space between the ceiling slopes, right on the wall. 

A huge lava lamp graced one of the far corners, and a plasma ball sat on a shelf nearby. More impressive than that were the beautiful iridescent canopy curtains that had been nailed along the ceiling to give the area a much more closed-in vibe. 

It was a comfortable space and it felt far less open than I'd been expecting.

Woody had been really helpful with getting my stuff up here, and he'd even explained that the television needed to be turned on a certain way before leaving me to my own devices and starting up a movie of some sort down on the first floor. 

I didn't pay it much attention, however, because the moment I'd gotten myself set up my focus had been trained on Atlas Chronicles. I'd been waiting for Sebastian in-game for roughly ten minutes and since getting myself set up had taken about half an hour, it made me wonder if he was having trouble deciding on how to make his character look. 

I momentarily debated sending him a message since I'd already accepted the friend request he'd sent me, but I figured being patient would be the wisest course of action considering he would only get one shot at making his created character and I didn't want him to rush it.

If he had trouble he could message me or call me instead.

While I waited, I puttered around the Orcish city of Tucoa, looking inside different clothing shops and trying on different outfits and accessories. I was actually really enjoying myself until I heard a disgustingly familiar voice on microphone.

"So, we meet again, faggot."

I swiveled the camera around and my stomach clenched when I saw Stink_Wrinkles, along with his old pal SneakiSneakiBeefThief44. I scowled a little before flicking my microphone on.

"What the hell do you want from me, Stink-ball?" I asked plainly. "This is the third time that you've found and targeted me for no reason."

I heard a snort and his character performed the middle finger before drawing his sword. I scowled even more deeply and took on a defensive combat stance, ignoring the NPC shopkeeper who crouched down and started shouting for us to get out of her shop.

"You know what I want," he said slickly. "I want to get a video of me raping that girly little ass of yours, faggot. It's no secret that you're a top player, people talk about how strong you are all the time and post screenshots warning to either be friendly to you or leave you alone. Everyone says you're impossible to defeat in a one on one fight. What would they think if I, a level nineteen, made you my bitch? Definitely wouldn't be good for your reputation, would it? Huh, Fag?"

My blood simmered for a second, but I let out a sigh and rubbed my head in real life.

"I don't like fighting people," I muttered. "I know the communities you're talking about and I've seen a few of those posts, too, but that's precisely why I can't fathom how you ended up thinking you'd get brownie points from other people if you kept coming at me. I mean, I go out of my way to avoid killing people on here and I keep to myself unless I'm attacked first."

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