Chapter 91

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AUTHOR'S GIFT! SURPRISE BITCHES! THIRD CHAPTER IN A ROW! It's shorter than the other two, buuuut, well worth adding. Hope you love?


Chapter Ninety One

My heart was pounding in my chest. 

I couldn't believe what I'd just done, what I'd just said! My blood was running both hot and cold as I wondered where Sebastian was, where anyone was, I mean... they had to have heard was happening out here, right? Why hadn't anyone come to see what was going on?

And, why the hell had Jak come out to the garden without anyone bothering to question it?

I didn't know, but I was going to damn well ask later on when I had time. This could have ended up going very badly because of my temper... it was a miracle it hadn't, in fact. I was lucky to be alive and breathing after that fucking argument I'd just had.

"The whole damn world already hates vampires and makes horror films about people like me," I angrily muttered, mouth tight and face drawn in with manic fury. "Why the fuck do I always have to deal with racist werewolves who are cruel and rude even when I'm being nice to them?"

I kicked a stone in my path and hurried it up.

Horst had made it around the corner while I'd bitched his father out, but I caught up to him fairly quickly and darted in front of him. He halted, not looking at me, visibly pissed.

"Move," he growled, not looking at me. "Now."

I took a deep breath to calm my own anger down and let it out slowly, allowing my nerves to uncoil so I wouldn't be short with him. He was in a bad spot mentally and emotionally, I could tell just by looking at the lines of his rigid face. Once I was calm, I gathered myself and my wits.

"Are you okay?" I carefully asked, looking at his throat and wincing in horror when I saw the size of the bruise forming on his tan skin. "Jesus... come on, let's go get you some ice--"

"I'm fine," Horst hissed through clenched teeth, and to my alarm both his hands cracked. "I'm fine... I'm used to this. I'm used to these sorts of bruises. Sure, I heal much slower than other werewolves because of what I am, but they'll be gone by tomorrow. Now, move... and let me be."

"Sorry, but I can't and most importantly, won't," I said firmly, skipping backwards and expertly keeping myself in front of him when he attempted to walk around me. "Look, I know what you're going through right now... I know you feel like you need to be alone, and I fully get that anyone trying to talk to you when you're this messed up just pisses you off more, but trust me when I say having a friend to talk you through it helps immensely."

"Friend?" he spat, finally turning hostile eyes on me. "We just met. We aren't friends."

I did a double take, then smartly cocked my hip and said, "who cares if we just met? Hello? We like the same movies, we both have shitty experiences with our parents, and on top of that I just risked my damn life to stand up to your dad for you! Who else would do that, hm?"

I folded my arms and waited while a startled look crossed his features, tapping my foot.

"Oh," he said, looking totally dumbfounded. "Wait, so... you... you already think... we... we're...?"

"Yeah, Slowpoke," I said, laughing at the look on his face. "I get it, I'm a vampire, big whoop! I like interesting people, what can I say? Plus, you've never even seen a Disney movie, dude! You are NOT leaving this house again until I've shown you at LEAST five of them!"

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