Chapter 95

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Chapter Ninety Five

"Man, a movie marathon and junk food?" Kyle drawled, stuffing his face with a handful of popcorn; he lifted his gaze, a sweet smile lifting his lips as he looked at me. "Aerin, I swear to God you're trying to spoil us! This was a great idea!"

I glanced at him dazedly, but didn't respond.

"Don't eat all the snacks before the first movie even starts," Tiffany scolded, plucking the popcorn bowl he was holding out of his lap; every single werewolf from Jak's pack let out quiet snickers and elbowed each other.

"Boo!" Kyle groaned, sinking into Richard's side. "Popcorn hog..."

Tiffany smiled widely and flopped down in Woody's lap. I shifted slightly with my wrist cradled in one hand, staring off into space with a numb, hollow sensation in my stomach. The meeting had finally ended half an hour ago thanks to everyone getting back on track, but I was overwhelmed.

Not really by the fact that it was finally done, but by how much could happen in a single night.

So far I'd been having weird experiences with nightmares, flashbacks, and the creepy feeling that someone was continuously showing up behind me at the most inopportune times. I'd been juggling with my sensual werewolf lover and the heaps of drama happening all at once.

I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut to save my life, either, so I was also stuck in the middle of another family's drama... and if that wasn't enough, I'd unintentionally gotten somebody's ass beat, justified or not, and my wrist was broken, which had led to the worst part of the evening.

Sebastian, you see, had come thundering into the room the moment after I'd finally reassured Horst that everything would be okay. I'd had to explain to my very angry boyfriend what had fully happened, which had led to some questioning, touching, and painful poking.

It had been a nightmare.

Not because he'd exploded or shouted or lost his temper, but because of his face.

Or rather, the look on it.

After that, Woodrow had come back in and splinted my wrist up and we'd all basically just sat there in silence until the end of the meeting when Sebastian had gone to get my drives. Diana had led every single person into the theater room.

At present, I was surrounded by nineteen fucking werewolves.

On the floor, clustered together on couches, sitting in groups or alone, all of them facing the big ass television screen along the far wall. I still didn't even know their names, didn't know who they were, but with everything going on introductions hadn't necessarily been my priority.

It wasn't even my priority now.

All I wanted, in that moment, was to crawl into bed and hold my aching wrist and cry. Worse, there was alcohol literally everywhere... at least thirty twelve packs lined the coffee tables and side tables. I winced when Leo popped the top off one such can and cast a glance at me.

"You wanna drink too, Aerin?" he asked, tone tending toward the mocking register. "We could use a laugh tonight."

I used the couch pillow I was cuddling as a shield.

"I'm not touching anything tonight!" I said, hiding in the cushion's shadow. "You know how I am with alcohol."

"Oh, yeah, that's right!" he said with mock astonishment. "You're the most pathetic lightweight I've ever seen!"

"The vampire drinks alcohol?" someone across the room asked, sounding baffled. "No way!"

"Ah, Aerin can't hold his alcohol to save his life," Leo drawled, rolling his eyes even though Tiffany and Woody both glared. "He'd probably prefer blood."

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