Chapter 107

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Chapter One Hundred and Seven

Gliding... I was gliding across the pavement, my foot propelling me forward through the dark, wind in my hair. My headphones were in, backpack on my shoulder, and I was feeling good about things. It was the first time in my life I'd ever been invited out on a date by a guy.

My sister had done my hair, curling it and brushing it, and pulling it back into an intricate high ponytail that moved with every curve and sway of my body. Excitement bubbled inside my chest as I skillfully ollied my skateboard down a flight of stairs and landed, arms spread for balance.

I wobbled precariously for a few seconds and gasped as I almost wiped out, but I somehow managed to keep myself upright and grinned. It was a good luck sign, I was sure of it. The street lights illuminated the city sidewalk, which was pretty empty considering the time of night.

I spotted a few cars and some people milling around, but compared to how busy this side of town normally was on a Friday night, I was a little surprised by how dead everything seemed.

I hummed excitedly, thinking back to the letter that had been left on my doorstep, the one asking me to come out and have a good time at a nearby club. It had been short and very nondescript but my sister had gone nuts, telling me that someone had asked me out. 

I had a secret admirer, apparently. 

I smiled, wondering if this was what going on a blind date felt like.

I looked down at the GPS on my phone, excitement bubbling up when I realized that the club I was meeting my mystery guy at was just around the corner. In the letter, he'd said he'd be waiting for me out front in a brown bomber jacket, a black turtleneck, and a pair of blue jeans.

In it, he'd specifically said to look for the military tags if I couldn't recognize his face.

Although, he'd said I most likely would and he'd be sad if I didn't.

I held my breath when I rounded the corner on my skateboard, spotting the neon sign of the dance club. Directly in front of it was the man who'd written me the letter. I swallowed since he was a big guy, broad-shouldered, dark hair, hands in his pockets.

I looked down at my off-the-shoulder long-sleeved crop-top and form-fitting shorts, wondering if I'd dressed a little too slight and revealing for my first time going out. I shook my head and stepped off my skateboard, stomping the edge and letting it swing upwards to meet my hand.

I took off my backpack and opened it, tucking my board into it before swinging it back over my shoulders and walking towards the man who'd left me the letter. I felt my stomach flutter pleasantly as I approached, wondering what he would think, and why he'd asked me out.

I wasn't anything special.

I took my earbuds out and plastered my biggest grin on my face when I tapped his arm.

"Hi!" I chirped as he twisted. "I got your letter! I was..."

I felt my heart jolt and I backed off a step when I saw my father looking down at me.

His eyes darted to my clothes and he seemed extremely taken aback, but then that silvery-blue gaze flitted back up to my face. I felt my cheeks heat up with mortification since my sister had actually put a little bit of mascara on my eyelashes to make them pop more than usual.

"Aerin...?" he asked, furrowing his brows. "What are you wearing?"

My eyes snapped open of their own accord and I lunged upright with my face flaming.

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