Chapter 195

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Author's note: Chapter is a bit shorter than usual. I'm under the weather again, but I hope you enjoy! The next chapter is going to be wonderful! I really hope you all look forward to it!


Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five

At some point, I fell asleep.

It was around two or three in the morning, I was sure, but the fact was I got comfortable in the artificial cave of pillows and nodded off, cradled between my pile of werewolves. Even as I was drifting off, I knew that they were, in fact, my werewolves. My family. My pack.

I belonged to them. It had taken work and effort, but I finally felt at home.

I finally felt like cuddling was something I could do without fear, and boy, did I cuddle them. Each of them. Jun, Leo, Richard, Kyle, Sebastian, Tiff, Horst, and Woody--I cuddled every single one of them and I knew that I did since I occasionally woke up to find myself latched onto a different body. The heat was incredibly delightful. Each time I woke up, some were playing games, the rest were sleeping just like I was, tangled together in one big pretzel and snoring.

I loved it.

Settling in and out of sleep, surrounded by bodies, made me feel safe. Time passed in a dreamy haze, I knew it had to've since the next time I woke up, officially, it was because I heard voices belonging to my family members. Conversations were happening, muted and indistinct.

"Wakey, wakey," Nikki suddenly murmured, and the body I was cuddling stirred. "Honeys, it's time to get ready for an extra special wedding! The sun's setting!"

"Already?" Tiffany's voice croaked, sounding beyond sleepy. "Wait, its time?!"

"Yep, yep," Feng-Feng crooned. "Time for pretty babies to get married, la!"

"Oh god, be quiet," Sebastian growled; I opened my eyes the slightest crack and peeked at the person moving to see that it was him I was snuggling this time. He rubbed at his face, then sleepily sat up and moved closer to me, sprawling across the pillows, face mashing into a pillow.

"Come on, time to get up," Agatha sighed. "It's your wedding day."

"Dad and I brought coffee," Horst eagerly butted in. "Come on, get up!"

"I thought you couldn't wait for this to happen," Jak noted, sounding amused. "Looks like someone is getting cold feet."

"Not funny," Sebastian grumbled into the pillow amidst giggles. "Everything's ready?"

"Yep!" Nikki chirped. "It is! Now, how's Aerin?"

A single hand came to rest on my side, as if feeling the gentle rise and fall of my chest.

"Currently drooling on my pillows."

I fought back a snort and a giggle, both. I knew he knew I was awake.

"Well congratulations, you finally got a guy in your bed," Tobias said, unamused. "Color me impressed. Now fucking get up so you can marry him already, Dammit!"

"Touché," Sebastian growled, and then there were rustles and movement, and my heart began to pound because this was it, this was the moment my life-changing decision was going to begin. I was going to be getting married. There was a long silence, then the feeling of Sebastian's arms touching me and the sound of his body settling back down against the comforter.

I jumped when hot lips scalded my own, moving rhythmically and perfectly, shaping me.

I almost let out a moan, but I stifled it because--hello, audience.

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