Chapter 143

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three

I admit, I was a little shocked by how eagerly my werewolves were tearing into the food.

They didn't bother using any of the silverware I'd brought, claws and jaws were enough since they refused to shift back into human form even after I'd brought the tray. I'd made a second and then a third and fourth trip to bring back multiple drinks for them, and when I walked back into the Comfort Zone, as I'd so accurately dubbed it, the food was half gone.

"Wow," I murmured, hooking a strand of hair behind my ear as I set the beers and juices and sodas down on the squishy floor. "You guys are really tearing into that stuff."

One of the wolves--Tiffany, judging by the clothes--let out a huffing dog-like groan, mouth coming open to reveal an oddly human grin. Sharp teeth met my gaze and I felt a prickle of amusement and pleasure seep through the ice of my unhappiness, warming me a little.

I was a terrible cook, depending on what the dish was. I couldn't taste the food I was making to see if it was alright for eating, and I was sure that anyone would agree that I sucked at it... but baking was an entirely different story. I'd done lots and lots of baking when I'd been younger.

It was only after a long moment that I realized Sebastian was holding the plate with the cookies.

He wasn't eating them, just staring down his long muzzle at them, legs folded awkwardly, tail swishing back and forth across the band of his sagging underwear.

"Are they bad?" I asked, and everyone looked up, including him; when he realized I was looking at him and nobody else, his head cocked, ears twisting and swiveling. Those eyes were so dark that I could barely distinguish pupil from iris, a sign that he was happy about something.

He slowly shook his head at me, picked up a cookie between his claws, and popped it in his mouth. I blinked, watching in surprise as he chewed the way a dog being given a treat would, likely a result of his different skull shape since it definitely made eating a little bit different.

Others who noticed him eating the wolfy cookies reached around and snatched one or two. I didn't try to force my smile since I knew they would see through it. It wasn't just me who was stressed or upset, I could see it in nearly every set of glowing eyes I looked into.

The stress I could feel from them was the reason I had decided to make so many cookies in the first place. I knew that things were tense and going to be tense for a long while since Jasper had already managed to manipulate everyone into thinking and believing such a horrible lie.

There was a possibility that it could happen again, too.

I felt it in my gut that he had something planned... what it was eluded me, but I could just feel that this wasn't over yet--and my pack seemed to feel the same way about it since many of them seemed to be high-strung despite obvious attempts to relax.

I took a deep breath and let it out, fighting to get my optimism back.

I had to be strong. I had to be strong because everyone else was just as low as me. Rolling my shoulders, I crawled into the cave of pillows full of giant furry monsters and cuddled up against Sebastian's side, watching as he and everyone else ate breakfast. With all the stress, I could tell that they needed to be cheered up a bit, maybe a lot, and to be honest?

I needed it, too.

"Hey," I said, reaching out and stroking Sebastian's soft arms; fur glided through my fingers. "I was wondering if we could get set up to play A.C. together after you guys are finished eating. Since we're having wolf time and its all about feeling good and bonding, let's just... play."

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