Chapter 89

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Chapter Eighty Nine

I was in awe.

Before me lay a giant garden distantly surrounded by an enormous iron-fence wall. It held flowers and plants of all kinds, with vines growing up the gates and stone walls that surrounded it. In the center was a small fountain and a pool of crystalline water that looked as clear as the sky in the morning.

"Wow," I whispered, looking around in shock. "Talk about luxury."

I made my way over to the fountain and sat down on the edge, spotting a couple of large freshwater fish swimming around in it. I didn't know what they were, but I thought it was cool. I dipped my hand into the frigid water, blinking as ripples danced across the surface.

The fish drifted closer to my fingers, wriggling.

The oasis rendered me speechless. I'd only ever seen gardens like this in books-and most of those documented places had been purposely planted in symmetrical neatness. The flowers here, behind Sebastian's home, were growing wildly with no care in the world.

Their colors mixed and blended in no particular pattern, hummingbirds and moths flew in and out of the garden at will, and none of the natural creatures and plants surrounding me had to worry about disruptions from anyone. I gazed at my dim reflection in the pool, silhouetted though it was by the brightness of moon behind me, then looked at all the flowers, the colors, the blues and violets and whites and reds and oranges and pinks of every size and shade, all clashing with variations of striking noble green. I admit, it was probably my new favorite part of Sebastian's home. It had so much natural beauty...

"Whoa..." a familiar voice whispered. "Holy shit..."

I glanced up to see Horst standing just inside the entrance of the garden.

"Yeah, I said the same thing," I murmured, instantly turning my attention back to the water in the fountain. "Sebastian's garden is amazing, isn't it?"

Horst didn't respond.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't actually expecting him to after our rather tense interactions earlier, and if he really wanted me to leave him alone that badly I would respect his desires... but at the same time, I was a bit confused about why he'd chosen to follow me all the way here.

I heard a rustle beside and somewhat behind me and I looked to see that he'd taken a seat next to me, refusing to meet my eyes. He slouched, arms draped in his lap, and glared at the dirt with faintly glowing eyes, but it wasn't an entirely angry look... and just like that, it all made sense. A lot of teenage boys his age were moody and didn't know how to handle their feelings properly.

They also tended to feel like nobody listened to them when they said something.

Hence the grumpy attitudes and snappish behavior, followed by puppy-like guilt and apologies.

I sometimes forget that kids can be more difficult than adults, I mentally sighed; aloud I said, "I thought you wanted me to leave, Horst."

His mouth twisted and he turned his face away from me, long ears sticking straight out.

"You listened to what I wanted," he grumpily shot back. "I wasn't expecting you to actually leave me alone."

Bullseye, I silently laughed, fighting back a chuckle, but aloud I asked, "Why?"

His head snapped around to look at me with anger, ears flicking higher.

"Well, nobody does," he said, drooping a little bit. "Nobody really takes me all that seriously because of how young I am. I'm always being ignored or being told to do stuff and I have to do it no questions asked because it 'builds character' but when I told you to leave... you did."

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