Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty Three

I was hiding from the world in Sebastian's room.

Leo was working on putting the television up on the wall and I didn't have the heart or the courage to go through the rest of the house since it ran the risk of me coming face to face with one of its other occupants. So, I lay curled up in his bed, head on the pillow, eyes closed.

I tried not to feel self-aware but it was hard to disconnect when Sebastian himself was sitting on a love seat positioned just opposite the bed with his legs crossed at the knee, watching me. He'd been sitting there when I'd come back in and he hadn't said anything when I'd gotten back into his bed so I didn't really know what was on his mind, but then again, I never seemed to.

Down the hall I heard the sound of power tools and an occasional bang.

"So," he suddenly grunted; my heart leapt but I didn't open my eyes. "Fifteen years."

Huh? I wondered mentally, brow knitting slightly. Fifteen years?


"That's a long time," Sebastian said quietly. "Especially for a relationship."

My stomach sank and I shivered involuntarily, hair standing on end. Discontentment flooded through me like a tsunami and I suddenly had a very hard time lying still. I didn't want to go there with him, not when we barely knew anything about each other.

"How did you hide it from him for so long?"

A stab went through my heart and I slowly opened my eyes, staring at the wall. He was persistent and I knew from experience that doing what he wanted would be safer than ignoring him.

"By doing so in plain sight," I quietly admitted. "I was deathly allergic to sunlight even before I was turned into what I am. I spent most of my early childhood in the hospital and my adolescence was spent in the dark."

"Explain how you met him," Sebastian ordered, and out of my peripherals I saw him shift slightly, resting his chin on his knuckles. "Tell me about everything, in depth." 

I felt a sudden chill since I had no idea why he wanted to know about my previous boyfriend.

Confusion replaced the irritability as I puzzled over it and I swallowed, hands growing so clammy that I balled them into fists with my pulse throbbing harshly in my neck.

Fears of possible strangulation or dismemberment aside, I truly wondered if I should tell him anything about myself.  

I was worried that doing so would backfire on me but I was also sure that not doing so might piss him off, and in the end the thought of that made me give in.

"I met him when I was twenty seven," I said in a voice that sounded nothing like me. "I used to go dancing every single night since I loved the clubbing scene, loved hanging out at bars, meeting people, laughing, being social and watching people have their own fun. We met at a club... I was out on the dance floor, running on an adrenaline high since my favorite song had come on, and suddenly he was just... there, hands on my hips, dancing with me."

I closed my eyes as the memory came back to me, bittersweet. I could still remember the feeling of his hands on my body, the smell of his cologne, the way he'd laughed, his roguish smile with that carelessly trimmed goatee, and those beautiful grey eyes looking down at me.

Seeing me.

Transfixed by me in a way that had nothing to do with the supernatural.

"He thought I was a girl when he came over to dance," I chuckled weakly, shaking my head, "but I corrected him pretty quick when he started flirting. He was fine with it, though, which surprised me until he told me he was bisexual... after that, we started talking and genuinely hit it off."

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