Chapter 190

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Chapter One Hundred and Ninety

The next two nights happened a whirl of pleasant and unpleasant activity.

Renee ended up leaving the house with her father while I was sleeping, before I could say goodbye to her. I'd felt a little weird about it once I'd been told, but I hadn't had much time to fret since I was mostly preoccupied with spending time with Horst, Leo, Jak, Kyle, and Richard.

The kitchen had become a flurry of ear-bleeding noise since a team of people were using power tools to fix the huge hole in the wall-- a team that included Steven Kennedy, my ex's nephew. It had come as a shock, seeing him in the house. Sure, he'd only given me a passing glance when I'd passed by, but his presence sparked unnecessary tension inside my gut.

Tobias and Agatha had been shocked to hear about what had taken place upon their return, but Feng-Feng had soothed both of them by intervening and letting them know the details. A lot of people had come and gone that first day and night, and the next one was no different.

That's mostly why I found myself wondering how I'd ended up in my current situation.

Tonight was the third night, the 29th of December, two days away from my wedding, and I was honestly at a loss for words as I awkwardly fiddled with my hands at the dining room table. In absolute silence. With four strange Asian men staring me down like I was some sort of alien.

In an empty room


So very alone.

With all four of Feng-Feng's silent, stone-faced, intimidating, inexpressive sons. They'd arrived about nine in the evening, only an hour ago, and while they'd all actively stared right at me with varying differences in their eye color, none of them had spoken a single word despite Feng-Feng, and Rak's attempts to get us to chat with each other. Sebastian was busy dealing with wedding preparations and other things centered around the indoor security cameras, so it was just us.


Because Rak and Feng-Feng left the five of us in here to talk amongst ourselves.


I finally cleared my throat, nervously squeezing my cast, since it had been nearly ten minutes and not a single one of us had made any attempt at introducing ourselves or saying... anything.

"Okay, um... this is awkward," I said simply, but I just received four blank stares; a single forked tongue poked out from between the lips of what looked like the oldest brother, narrow upturned eyes squinting even further behind deep-set eyelids. "So... uh... what are your names?"

The Dragon brothers shared a few looks, something unspoken passing between them.

Finally, the youngest-looking one leaned on the table and folded his hands, setting his chin on his knuckles as he eyed me. His skin, like his parents' and his brothers', was a dark shade of tan, and it was smooth with a youthful glow. His face looked almost classically Japanese with perfect proportions and narrow almond eyes. Soft, thin lips graced his hairless mouth and his shoulder-length black hair was slicked across one side of his face, displaying a stylish undercut.

His nose was long and slightly snubbed, giving his features a childish quirk.

Conversely, his voice was shockingly deep when he finally murmured, "you are a curious and adorable little creature. I find myself rather enthralled by your eyes and all they hold."

"Huh?" I asked, startled more by the smile creeping across his face than his words.

And then the creepiest thing I'd ever witnessed began to happen: he started to float out of the chair and literally hovered his way across the table, still in his previous sitting position, legs swinging back and forth as if he were grounded on an invisible seat.

SLEEPSONG (BoyxBoy)✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ