Chapter 56

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Chapter Fifty Six

I slowly woke up to the sound of quiet whispers, clicking, and the feeling of someone poking me.

I drifted in and out of semi-consciousness as I experienced it since I was still extremely tired, but the weird sensations grew increasingly irritating and I found myself stirring before I was ready to. Shifting a bit, I let out a grumpy sound of discontentment and turned my head to the side, burying my face into a wall of sheer, delightful warmth.

I let out a small sleep-sigh through my nose and swallowed, slowly sinking down into the depths of quiet and dreamless sleep, lulled by the feeling of the burning rise and fall beneath me. My temple was hurting... it was a faint ache, but there all the same, but soon even that faded. 

Until the whispers surrounded me again, muffled and irritating.

I snorted and buried my face even deeper into the warmth, letting it enfold both of my ears in a way that blocked all sound and warmed my entire head. The whispers vanished and a strong but very pleasant odor immediately filled my nose, lulling me with an unfamiliar sense of security.

I shifted my legs a bit and relaxed, drifting off again... but then I felt a poke on my left foot, the only part of my body that didn't feel blessedly warm.

Irritable, I kicked at the sensation and let out another grumble, but all that got me was another poke that made my bare foot twitch. Something rustled against my rumpled t-shirt... then my shorts, and the heat wrapping me up in a cocoon vanished, followed by an odd little tickle against my leg.

I nearly had a stroke when something extremely sharp pinched bare skin on my thigh. 

My eyes instantly snapped open wide in alarm and, with a startled squawk, I flailed around and rolled right off of Sebastian's chest by accident—which sent me straight off the couch and onto the floor. In the confusion that ensued, I ended up bashing my left temple against the coffee table and pain exploded into my brain.

All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't move, see, or feel.

I lay motionless in a timeless bubble, lacking all sensation aside from a tiny spark of consciousness until, eventually, I became aware that I was on the floor with the pressure of many hands on my body. No matter how hard I tried I was unable to move and all I could hear were muffled voices being drowned out by the ringing in my ears.

I suddenly felt my head drop backwards and there was a strange pull, limbs dropping as I was lifted by a foreign weightlessness. I dangled for a few seconds, arms hanging suspended, head swinging bonelessly on my neck, legs flopping... but then, something cradled me.

I felt pressure on my cheeks, repetitive pressure that made it easier to move, made the ringing grow quieter and quieter and allowed me to hear the voices properly. It was as if wads of cotton were draining out of my head and nose. I took a deep, conscious breath and opened my eyes.


Through the clearing spots, I could see burning... eyes.


I cringed as a searing stab of pain went through my head and squeezed my own eyes shut again, squeezed them so tight that I saw flashes, like prickling shooting stars being born and then going out again.

In those flashes, I saw wide blue... open eyes... and then, I got images, they all came in a rush.

Gloved hands, a silver mask, darkness, dripping, pain, chains, snow --- they appeared and vanished so quickly that I couldn't even figure out what the fuck was happening to my brain. It was like re-watching disjointed pieces of movie inside my own head, but the images were passing too fast for me to mentally compute them. My stomach churned for a second, and I suddenly felt like I was going to cry and vomit, but then the weird images just... 

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