Chapter 101

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Chapter One Hundred and One

This... I mentally muttered, chewing on my cheek intensely. This is insane. Really insane.

Or maybe I was insane. I had no idea anymore, literally.

I was sitting on Sebastian's bed Indian style in a clean pair of pastel pink-and-white pajamas, freshly showered, washed, cleansed, and blow-dried, staring down at an enormous book that weighed more than my desktop computer back at Woody's. 

It was literally the largest piece of reading material I'd ever seen in my whole fucking life, so large that I couldn't even hold it while I was reading it because the covers had to be opened in a specific way so as not to damage the things that had been documented on the inside. 

I sat with my chin on my palms, brows furrowed in concentration as I scanned through paragraphs of information about the sciences behind the supernatural abilities werewolves possessed, as well as their overall biology, healthcare, dietary needs, healing processes, pregnancies, births, and many other things that I'd been wanting to know the answer to.

Such as why their eyes glowed.

Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I went back to the table of contents and scanned them.

"Holy fuck, there's information in this book dating all the way back to twenty thousand B.C.," I whispered in shock, still baffled by how a book had lasted thousands of years; I gently touched the preserved yellowed parchment, cracked and twisted beneath its clear adhesive bindings.

The shocking part was that literally every page of it was handwritten.

The table of contents was over a thousand pages long and had been categorized alphabetically instead of historically to make finding specific things easier. I could tell which segments were newer by the state of the pages, and also occasionally by the languages used.

There was classic Roman and Greek writing, ancient Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, what looked to me like possibly the earliest of all Latin, and many, many other bizarre language markings that I sure as hell didn't recognize and probably never would. 

However, I wasn't really concerned with the history of werewolves since looking at a past so far gone that the languages had died out felt pointless. 

Instead I started with the basic stuff, such as birth and pregnancy, animal instincts, voluntary and involuntary shifting as well as the anatomy of a werewolf's body in both forms, how to cure rare sicknesses that could afflict them, their powers, and many other things. 

I wanted to know, overall, what had caused the disease itself, and sure enough I found it not in the older contents but in a segment of pages that looked extremely new and pristine. 

Many undercover medical associations run by lycanthropes and other supernatural beings listed the disease as the result of an epigenetic trigger, which meant that some combination of genes, environment, and lived experience would culminate into the sudden shifting of a born wolf.

It was a genetic disease, after all, but it was also possible to infect a normal person, too.

However, much to my intrigue, genetically... the oldest of all born werewolves hadn't actually been human, they'd been a different species of hominid entirely. Nobody knew where they came from but some of the writings speculated that they hadn't actually been of this world.

Perhaps somewhere from space, but I scratched my head at that and shook the idea off.

After all, I knew creatures like me and Sebastian existed, and possibly many others, but aliens?

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