Chapter 132

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two


We were walking through nothing and everything. I could feel him, see him beside me, knew we were together... and I was happy. I wanted to look at him, to smile at him, to tell him I loved him but something happened. The world shifted, and suddenly he was moving faster while I froze in place, leg outstretched, heart pulsing up my throat as he kept walking.


His broad back faced me, growing distant, curly hair weightlessly moving around his head.


He didn't stop. 

Didn't turn.

I felt a scream bubbling up my throat--

"Wake up," someone ordered, and my eyes snapped open wide; I stared straight ahead at the unfamiliar ceiling, panicked and terrified beyond reason. My gaze darted around as I tried to figure out where I was, but when I turned my head I saw Jasper sitting in the dark.

My heart nearly failed me.

"Where is Sebastian?" I hissed, trying to get up only to have agony shoot through my back; I wheezed and flopped back down, hair falling across my face and mouth as I writhed, shaking in absolute agony. "Ow... ow... fuck..."

"Don't move," he sighed, clicking his tongue; I turned to glare at him. "You're hurt pretty bad and the bandages aren't helping much. Still, I've been worried sick about you, kiddo."

Hatred bubbled up inside me.

"I'm not a kid," I seethed, breathing raggedly. "Don't patronize me you sick fuck."

He blinked, looking affronted, then let out a loose sigh and shook his head; I noticed almost immediately that something was wrong, however, because there was smugness in his stare.

"That's a cruel thing for you to say, considering I saved your life," he told me in a somewhat hurt tone, smirking in a confident manner. "What's gotten into you, Rin?"



Who the fuck did this bastard think he was?!

"Where... is... Bash?" I hissed out, struggling past the pain and lunging upright. Jasper's brows raised but he simply watched as I stood up on shaking knees. Hair slid across my face and over my shoulders, soft and cold against burning skin, and I glanced down to see that I was wearing a pair of my own pink cotton slacks and a plain white t-shirt.

I frowned, since I knew for a fact that I hadn't packed the pants, then looked around.

There was a small table in this bedroom, complete with flowers and a vase. To my shock and further alarm, I recognized the design and realized we were back in Sebastian's mansion, and I blinked. I blinked again, wondering when the hell I'd been brought here.

 "How long was I unconscious?" I spit, looking around for a clock, and then my phone; to my confusion it was sitting on the nightstand so I carefully limped over and snagged it. My heart pounded in my ears and I swallowed hard as I turned it on.

When I saw the date, however, my heart nearly stopped.

Three days. I had been unconscious for three full days.

"Where is Sebastian?!" I squeaked, looking at Jasper in horror. "Why are we back at his house?!"

Jasper simply smirked and leaned back against the chair. He wore a pair of loose jeans and a simple yellow polo shirt. Bags like bruises marred the skin below his eyes as we traded dissimilar looks—his open and quietly delighted, mine angry and visibly unhappy.

SLEEPSONG (BoyxBoy)✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang