Chapter 102

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Author's Note: For those of you itching for a taste of what the dreams mean about his past, look at the mini trailer below for an idea. Let your imaginations run wild with the visuals.


Chapter One Hundred and Two

Flashes. Distorted lights swirled around me like mist. Muted voices and sound I could barely hear. I flitted through a pulse of foreign sensations and sank down into them slowly.



"You look like a girl... you're dressed like one, too. Are you... gay?"

"You just now figured that out?"

"No... no, deep down I think I always knew."

"Huh... so... is that why you left us?"

Silence. Swirling lights.

Something blue glinted wetly.

"No... it isn't."

"Then why are you here now?"

"Because... I saw you... smoking."

"Oh, that? Yeah... I'm trying it out."

"But, but your lungs--"

"What do you care if it kills me?"

Again, that damned silence. Only, it wasn't complety silent, there was other noise and flashing.

"Because I love you."

"Love you, too."

"Then stop. Take care of yourself... you know what smoking will do to you."

"I'll think about it."

A lie. I felt it. I was lying.

Deep down, I wanted to die. I was exhausted and sad and alone, fighting a losing battle but too scared to give in and take the plunge myself. So why not lose gradually? Go easily? Smoking would do it within a year.

"I have something else I want to ask you."

"Okay? Ask then."

"Do you... hate me?"


Hate... no... that word, that question, I didn't. I really didn't.

The vision of a familiar face flickered into my view and blurred strangely, a face I numbly realized belonged to my long-dead father. His features were fuzzy and hard to see, and as I took them in I dazedly became more aware of my surroundings, realizing that the two of us were sitting in the nightclub I'd met William in.

I looked at my father from where we were sitting, at the bar, our faces and features highlighted by the multicolored laser-light strobes, wondering why I was here, why he was here.

Why was he asking me if I hated him? And... and he had died years before I'd met William, so how did I know that name?

What the hell was happening?

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