Chapter 150

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Author's Note: Since People liked Sebastian's picture, here's one of what I imagined Aerin looking like at the beginning of the story when he was still blonde, before dying his hair. Just picture this as a brunette and then completely white.

 Just picture this as a brunette and then completely white

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

When we went outside, Lord, it was hot

Hotter than I was expecting, at least 90 degrees and muggy on top of it.

Despite it being like ten at night, standing on the porch felt like being wrapped in damp molasses and the temperature had me sweating like a gingerbread man in an oven. Even in the dark I felt sweltered, so I could only imagine how bad the werewolves standing around me must have been feeling with their already elevated body temperatures. 

I wasn't alone, of course.

Most of the people from Bash's pack knew what was going on but only half of them were waiting to welcome Louise and her brother, not including Jak and Horst. Diana, Cassidy, Richard, Jun, and Kyle had all opted out of greeting her since they didn't really care who she was. 

Leo, Woody, Jak, Horst, and Tiffany, however, waited patiently with Sebastian and I. 

We all stood in a group at the top of the steps leading down to the gravel driveway. 

I'm glad I decided to wear a tank top, I thought, fanning my face; I could feel my hair beginning to cling wetly to my neck, arms, and back; about half an hour passed on that porch and I was tempted to sit down but since no one else did I felt it would reflect badly on me.

So I kept standing even though I was sweating like crazy and feeling miserable.

Sebastian suddenly set a gentle hand against the small of my back.

"You can sit down if you want to, Beloved," he said soothingly. "You may even go inside, if you desire... you are not obligated to be out here."

"Neither are you," I reminded him, then gestured at everyone else and added, "or they."

"True enough," he allowed, smiling at me; his bronze skin was practically radiating waves of heat and his entire face was covered in a glistening sheen. I could literally see sweat rolling out of his temples and down the side of his face, right into his beard. "She should be here any moment."

"I hope so," Horst grumbled, taking his sweatshirt off and shaking it out; sweat coated his lithe upper torso and clung to the treasure trail leading to his fur-covered caprine legs. "It's hotter than the devil's balls out here, man! Fuckin' hell!."

"Tongue, Boy," Jak quietly warned. "Watch it."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Horst grumbled, wiping his face with his shirt. "So, how long?"

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