Chapter 129

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine

I was beginning to second guess my life choices. My hands writhed and fidgeted in my lap as we swayed, riding through the streets of Mantua in the back of a sleek black limo.

"You look good in a suit," Tiffany murmured to Woody, who preened as she leaned around him to straighten his black blazer; his flaming red hair had been tied into a gentlemanly looking ponytail and his scruff had been trimmed into a soft red goatee, but the rose tucked into the lapel of his shirt made the vibrant electric green of his eyes stand out even more than they already did. He saw me looking at him and beamed, wiggling his bushy eyebrows at me from over the top of Tiffany's head.

I smiled back but it quickly faded and I swallowed, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"So," Kyle said conversationally, breaking the awkward stillness. "How long do you think it'll take for Diana and Cassie to get to the party?"

"They were having wardrobe malfunctions," Tiffany absently explained. "Diana's dress got caught on something and ripped. They're fixing it since she didn't bring a spare."

"That sucks," Kyle muttered, and then silence descended so I lowered my eyes, staring off at nothing, lost in my own head.

Sebastian leaned in, yet again, to give my neck a quick sniff. I tilted my head to the side as he nosed me, giving him access to my throat, which had been graced with beautiful pearls.

My hair had been intricately braided into the same style that Tiffany had employed for our first date, so most of the length hung freely against my back with my side parts braided around my head into a lovely crown that prevented any and all movement.

The style left my face completely visible and that was actually what she'd been going for since my makeup was flawless. False eyelashes, mascara, pristine-looking eyeliner, and the barest hint of eye shadow with pink lip gloss and a gorgeous contour created with the rosiest of blushes to match my pale skin tone.

I looked, for better or for worse, like a completely different person than how I normally felt.

I shivered when Sebastian's lips grazed my ear, kissing down to my throat and stopping on my jugular, right above the precious vein that pulsed so quickly beneath his burning touch.

"You're beautiful," he murmured into my throat, making me smile faintly; I looked down at the shiny white flats I was wearing, then at my white-gloved hands. The fabric stretched all the way up to my elbows and, like the dress, had been embroidered with shiny golden vines and sunflowers.

I smiled when he took another deep breath, inhaling my scent.

"Oi, enough with all the stink-huffing," Richard growled from the seat opposite the two of us. "Your scent is all over him, we get it. Hell, I'm pretty sure everyone in the whole fucking building will be able to tell he's yours."

Sebastian's expression twisted into a mild scowl and his eyes flared bright. "I'm just making sure."

Richard snorted and deadpanned, "for the ninth fuckin' time?"

"Don't make me punch your face in, Dick," Sebastian growled, hackles rising.

"Boys, boys, you're both pretty," Tiffany groaned from my other side. "Be nice!"

I coughed to hide a laugh and Sebastian threw a sideways look at me. I immediately stopped laughing, clearing my throat and awkwardly fiddling with my hands again.

"Yeah, Dicky, be nice," Kyle scolded, "and remember not to swear too much, okay? You're dressed in tux... act like a gentleman."

"Gentle isn't in my fuckin' vocabulary," Richard grumbled, face reddening, "but fine."

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