Chapter 103

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Chapter One Hundred and Three

The cab ride to the mall was long, quiet, and sort of uncomfortable.

Honestly, I'd been shocked when I'd gone outside to see Horst in a pair of jeans and what looked to me like custom-made boots, leaning on a pair of crutches. He was also wearing a beanie that completely covered his long ears and horns, and, upon close inspection, colored eye contacts, most likely to hide his bizarre pupils.

Dressed the way he was, I never would have guessed he was a satyr.

I mean, don't get me wrong, you could tell that something wasn't right with his legs, but from a normal person's perspective he simply looked like a moody human kid with a twisted lower torso. It was genius, really... I was pretty impressed.

However, after that, we'd piled into the cab with Cassidy calling shotgun.

Horst and I, because we were the smallest of the people who had to squeeze into the back seat, were now sitting squashed together in the middle. Sebastian was on my right, and Jak was on the kid's left, and both men had to hunch just to fit inside the smallish vehicle. I could tell that the guys made the cab driver extremely nervous since he was stiff the whole way.

I didn't really blame him, though... they were, after all, pretty intimidating--and not just because of how big and surly they were. Jak had a bad case of resting bitch face and Sebastian looked like he was made of stone, staring straight ahead with a flat, bored expression.

Anyone would feel a little put off.

I nudged Horst with my elbow, trying to get his attention.

"What?" he griped, frowning at me. "Why you elbowing me?"

"Because I wanna know," I chirped, keeping my tone light. "Have you ever been to a Moonies?"

"No," he said slowly, brow furrowing; the street lights flashing across his curly black hair and dark features highlighted him and his father in a way that made them look more than similar.

"And you, Jak?" I asked, drawing the Jamaican man's attention; he was wearing sunglasses like Sebastian, but I could tell he was looking at me since I saw the light flare of anger. "You must have at least once, right?"

"No, mon," he said slowly, pursing his lips. "I don't mingle with... others... outside of my own... group."

"Pfft..." Sebastian snorted, and Jak's face warped with malice as his head raised higher to look at him instead of me. "That explains a lot."

"What are you implying, Sebastian?" he politely but furiously asked. "Care to tell?"

"I'm implying that you need to broaden your outlook and become aware of what people are like," my sour wolf stoically lectured. "You could wind up getting yourself into what you want to avoid if you don't start attempting to understand how people think and behave."

"And what makes you such an expert?" Jak sarcastically inquired. "Perhaps you got yourself into a sticky situation? Is that it?"

"More than one," he said quietly, and to my confusion he absently reached up to touch the spot I'd bitten him in. "Some of them more recent than others. I'm speaking to you from a place of experience, so don't treat my words as if they're nothing more than sheer arrogance, got it?"

Jak didn't seem to know how to respond, but whether it was from the honesty or something else, I didn't know. He glanced at his son, who was staring very uncomfortably through the windshield and trying his hardest not to move, and let out a long sigh.

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