Chapter 110

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Author's Note: I'm still sick in the hospital with a Sinus infection. It spread to my eyes and they put me on an IV drip and some serious antibiotics because they were worried about it spreading to my brain and causing a lot of problems, including the possibility of death. I had some VERY big anxieties these last few days but I'm happy to INFORM everyone that I'm getting better. 

My eyes are no longer bloodshot and burning even though my sinuses are slowly (very slowly) recovering in a painful burning manner. Mucus sucks. Phlegm sucks. SINUSES SUCK! BE HEALTHY YOU LOVELY READERS! TAKE CARE AROUND PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK!

And most of all, enjoy this chapter.


Chapter One Hundred and Ten

I awoke to the jarring sensation of the alarm clock going off.

I heard a grunt beside me and blindly patted around the nightstand for my cell phone, flailing with groggy eyes until I felt it. Mumbling an incoherent complaint at the noise, I tapped the screen until a holographic video call I could barely see popped up, revealing that I looked like a hot mess. My hair was sitting in a tangled pile around my head and behind me were Sebastian's eyes, little more than two exhausted and gently glowing slits in the gloom.

Louise's face soon filled the majority of the hologram and she blinked when she saw us lying in bed, peering at her with similar expressions of sleepiness. 

"Sorry if I woke you two," she apologized, giving me an awkward look. "I know its early."

"No problem... I think," I croaked, yawning sleepily as I shifted beneath the blanket. "I'm not lucid, though, and I don't Bash is, either... what's up?"

"I called to tell you that some personal stuff came up and I can't do therapy tonight," she told me, and I blinked at her. "My little brother got hurt helping a friend with some hockey training today and I'm gonna be staying with him at the hospital. His ankle is fractured."

"Oh, no," I said, concerned. "I'm sorry to hear that... is he okay?"

"I don't think so," she said a little grimly. "Physically, he'll live, but... he tore a ligament on top of fracturing his ankle, and from what the doctors are saying, he might not be able to ice skate again."

"Ice skating?" I asked, startled. "Your brother ice skates?"

"Yeah, he was intending to apply for the Olympics this year," she muttered, looking completely and thoroughly disheartened. "I intend to help him through rehabilitation to the best of my ability. He's only seventeen and I'm his legal guardian, so I have my hands full."

"Yeah, yeah, I totally get it," I mumbled, rubbing my face to try and wake myself up. "Sorry to hear that, Lou..."

"Don't worry about it," she said, then looked at me curiously. "When did you go to sleep? You're typically awake around this time of night."

"Umm... I'm not sure, but I think it was around ten or eleven in the morning?" I croaked, picking the eye boogers off my sleep-crusted lashes. "A lot happened last night and there was a lot of talking about the future going on so we didn't really go to bed until after the sun came up."

Which was true, considering Sebastian had sat me, Woody, and Tiffany down so we could all discuss what the overall plans for all things future-related would be. It had been a very in-depth conversation with a lot of complex and serious stuff including finances, stability, construction that had to do with Woodrow's cabin so the newly expecting couple could add on a baby's room and a nursery among other things.

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